mani pedis

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I get up the next morning, head ringing from the alcohol.

"Morning sunshine." Daniel walks in with a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich.

"Oh my god, you're a diamond." I grab the things from his hands and start to stuff my face.

"How's the hangover?" He asks with a stifled laugh.

"Shut the fuck up." I throw some bread at him. He eventually leaves and I start to get ready for the day. I have a shower, do my hair and some light makeup and see a text from Lexi.

Lexi🧚‍♂️ - 'Hey girl! Me and Tia are getting mani pedis today, wanna come?'

Cait😚 - Yeah sure!

Lexi🧚‍♂️ - Cool! See ya in 10

You put some low rise jeans on and a black tank top with your converse and go downstairs to wait for Lexi. You see your stepdad in the living room with your sleeping and even more hungover mum.

"How was your party last night?" He asks as you sit down on the armchair opposite to him.

"It was ok. Kinda boring. Was mum ok last night?" I look at her sleeping figure.

"Had a few tantrums but eventually crashed here." He strokes her leg.

"I thought she was doing better." I look down at my shoes.

"So did I, kid." The doorbell rings and I say goodbye to my stepdad and leave the house, getting into Lexi's car.

"Hey! You ready for some mani pedis?" Lexi asks me excitedly. I smile and nod my head. Lexi drives me and Tia down to the shopping centre, listening to Harry Styles and screaming our lungs out to the high parts and we get to the nail salon and end up in foot baths right next to each other. We take selfies, TikToks and gossip with the paediatricians, talking about boys, friends and our celebrity crushes.

"Seriously, Leo is so much hotter than Johnny Depp!" Tia says to me.

"How? Johnny is the definition of hottie with a dad body." I say with sass in my voice.

"I'm sorry ladies but you're both wrong, Heath Ledger is the hottest celeb out there!" Lexi says which makes us all roar with laughter. The door opens and the bell on the ceiling rings with it and we look over and see Andrea with some of her girl friends.

"Why have they got to be here?" Lexi says, rolling her eyes and laying back.

"What's so bad about Andrea?" I ask them. They share a look before Lexi nods.

"Andrea and Tom dated for a while." Tia says quickly. "But they were on and off for about a year because she kept cheating on him and he couldn't take it anymore so he broke it off...for good." She explains. I listen to this information and feel my heart light up. They're not dating anymore.

"When Andrea was speaking to me last night, she asked me to talk to Tom about her because she had to talk to him." I explain. "Then I saw them leave a room together and she had hickeys all over her neck."

"Seriously?!" Lexi says a little too loud. We immediately shush her and look around to see if any attention was drawn towards us and see Andrea looking at us and beginning to walk over.

"Hey ladies!" She greets us with a smile.

"Hey Andrea." We all fake smile at her.

"What a coincidence to see you three here!" Her high voice rings in my ears and sends goosebumps up my arms. "And Cait, thank you for doing that thing. You're a real superhero." She winks at me and I smile weakly at her. She talks for a few more minutes before she walks back to her friends and we start to leave. Lexi drives me home and I collapse onto my bed, letting out a groan. I switch on the TV and scroll through Netflix to find Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I lay back, clutching a bag of crisps and start to bite down on them sadly. I feel my phone vibrate on my bed next to me and see that Tom had texted me.

Tom😃 - Hey Cait! Wanna hang out?

Cait😚 - Do I have to leave my bed? I'm so comfortable😩

Tom😃 - Nah, wanna have a movie night?

Cait😚 - Then yes ofc! Come over in 5:)

Tom😃 - See ya then:)

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