shopping trip

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When me and Tom get to the shopping centre, I see Tia and Lexi with all the boys. When the car stops, I jump out the car and run into the two girls, hugging them. All three of us fall onto the floor in laughter and the boys just looking at us with concerned looks on their faces. 

"What the hell did I just witness?" Oliver says with a laugh. 

"We haven't seen each other for a few days so we have to do that." Tia explains with a smile on her face. We all stand and I hug each of the other boys. We walk into the centre and wonder around the shops, me and the girls actually shopping and the boys talking or standing there, looking like they want to go home. 

"I'm hungry, should we go get food?" I say to everyone and the boys instantly celebrate, running out of Victoria's Secret and to the food court and me and the girls laughing at them. We follow them and see them standing patiently in the line for McDonald's and go to find a table. 

"Right, before the guys come back. We need to talk." Tia says, interlocking her hands together and placing them on the table.

"What's up?" I ask, a little bit scared.

"There's something going on and I am determined to know what it is. You've been weirdly happy this past few weeks and we think it's because of a boy." Lexi explains, looking just a serious as Tia which scares me even more. I hesitate to say anything. "Caitlin? Do you have a boyfriend and haven't told us?"

"What are we talking about?" Haz joins the conversation, placing a few trays of food in front of us. 

"We think Caity here has a boyfriend that she isn't telling us about." Tia says to all the boys, including Tom. "Now tell us. Everyone's here now."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and see Tom's face drop as I can imagine he thinks I'm going to tell everyone about him. "His name is Trevor and none of you know him, he lives back home. We've been friends since we were five and we started dating recently." 

"Oh my god! Why didn't you tell us?" Lexi asks me.

"It was new and I didn't want to jinx anything in case anything got messed up." I pop my shoulders, shoving a few fries in my mouth and looking at Tom, him giving me a smile. Everyone asks me more questions about 'Trevor' until everyone just held their own conversations for a while. 

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