sexual tension

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I wake up the next morning and feel a body next to me, holding my waist and face nestled in my neck. I realise it's Tom and relax.

"Morning Caity." His morning voice sends all different feelings throughout my body.

"Morning Tommy." I smile as I turn over and look at him. "We have to get up for school." He groans and turns away from him. I hear footsteps coming towards my door and with no warning, I cover Tom with the blanket and lay on top of him as my door opens. My brother walks in and looks at me weirdly.

"Why are you sitting like that?" He says with a smile on his face.

"Like what? I-I just woke up like this." I stutter a little bit.

"Caitlin, let Tom up to breathe." He orders, crossing his arms. My eyes widen in confusion and he laughs at me. Tom comes up to breathe and laughs nervously. "I came in last night and saw you two. I thought I'd come wake you up before mum did."

"Thanks Daniel." I smile while my face glows bright red. He leaves and you laugh with Tom about what just happened. He leaves out of the window and home to get ready for school and he agrees to take me to school. I try to make myself look extra good today. I curl the ends of my hair and put it into a neat ponytail. I put some light makeup on and put on my uniform. I go downstairs and grab a breakfast bar out of the pantry. My mum looks at me weirdly.

"You look very dressed up for a school day." She comments. I just smile at her.

"Just felt like trying today." I don't lie but I do a little bit. I want Tom to notice me. I leave the house and see Tom waiting in this car. I jump in and he greets me with a warm smile.

"Long time, no see, Caity." He jokes.

"I know right. It feels like it's been years." I hug him across the seats and I feel his arm wrap around my waist, bringing me slightly closer. He drives to Oliver's house, then everyone else's bringing them to school. During the car ride, everyone was having their own conversations and halfway through the drive, I feel a hand on my thigh. I look down and see Tom's hand. It was a strange but comforting feeling. I don't say anything and keep his hand there, placing my hand on top of his. I know Tia in the back saw it as I heard a little excited gasp. We pull up to the school and the boys walk in front of us girls and Lexi and Tia immediately link their arms with mine, asking what was that about.

"Dude, he literally had his hand on your thigh! You cannot tell me that you two are just friends." Lexi exclaims.

"It's not like I want to be just friends, especially after last night." I say, knowing they will want to hear more.

"What happened last night?!" Tia shouts a little too loud. I shush her and tell her what happened when Tom had caught me staring at him and the things he said and the way he made me feel.

"And why exactly didn't you fuck him?" Lexi asks, making me laugh.

"Didn't really feel like fucking the boy that I'm best friends with while my whole family were in the house." I say matter of factly. We get to form and we sit at our normal table with the boys. I see Tom talking to Andrea and feel an ache in my stomach. He sees me and smiles at me. I smile weakly and sit down, not taking my eyes off of him.

"Dude." Haz gets my attention as he sees me staring at him. "You don't have to worry about them. Tom said he's telling her to leave him alone."

"Seriously?" I ask and he nods his head. I feel my face light up and Harrison laughs at me. "What?"

"I know you like him." He whispers in my ear.

"I-I don't like him." I stutter a little.

"I literally see the way you look at him. And I see the way he looks at you, he's smitten, Caitlin." He sits back and I think to myself. He likes me? Smitten? Do I have the guts to fall in love again?

Tom comes back over to the table and sits down next to me. I smile at him and he reciprocates. I feel his arm lingering behind me, laying on the back of my plastic chair. Everyone chimes into one big conversation and I see Haz and Lexi staring at me and occasionally looking at Tom.

"You can cut the sexual tension between them two with a knife." I hear Lexi whisper to Harrison next to me and I shoot them both a glare, silently telling them to shut the fuck up as Tom might be able to hear them. I look back at Tom and I can tell that he definitely heard them as the smirk on his face lingers. I shake my head and laugh a little. I scoot my chair a little closer and his arm is now all the way around me and I feel safe. Safer than I've felt in three years. I'm definitely gonna get hurt by this boy.

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