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My eyes start to flutter and bright white lights shine into my eyes. Am I dead? I look around my surroundings and see an IV hooked into my arm and machines beeping.

"Hello?" I shout into the distance. "Tom? Nikki?"

My brother bursts into the room and rushes to my side.

"Caity, are you okay?" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"I think so. What happened?" I ask, very confused.

"Apparently Tom came into the room and you were passed out on the floor. You seemed okay when you went upstairs, according to him." He strokes my arm comfortingly. "Did anything happen to cause you to get stressed?"

I think back. Trying to remember. But I simply can't.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." I start to tear up.

"Hey, it's okay. The doc said you're memory might be a bit fuzzy so it may come back within the next few days." He explains to me. We talk for a few more minutes before a doctor comes into the room.

"Hello, Miss Jones. How are we feeling today?" He asks me, while looking down at a clipboard.

"My head hurts a little but apart from that, I'm fine." I say to him.

"Well the good news is that you don't have any major injuries apart from the small cut on your forehead so you should be alright to go home by the end of the day." He explains to us. Me and my brother both thank the doctor and he begins to walk out the room.

"Wait, doctor?" He comes back into the room. "Is there another boy outside who came with me or my brother?"

"There was but he went home just before you woke up." He tells me. I thank him again and tell my brother to leave so I can get dressed. While I'm shoving on one of Tom's hoodies, a sharp pain in my head sends me to the floor.

"Oh baby. Stop being so dramatic."

"It wasn't even loaded."

"Spoiled little shit!"

"When I get out of here, you're on the streets, little lady."

What the actual fuck? I pick up my phone and I look at my call history. 'No Caller ID'. Did she call me from jail? I rush out of the room, past my brother and start to walk home. I hear his car behind me and pulls up next to me.

"Why are you walking? You've just woken up from being passed out! Are you crazy?" He shouts at me.

"I need some air and it's not a long walk. I just need to get my thoughts straight." I explain to him.

"Then roll the car window down! Just get in the fucking car, Caitlin."

"Why? I barely have a family to go home to! Mum's in jail, you're barely home and my stepdad is always at work!!" I scream at him, catching the stares of strangers around us. "Mum said if she gets out of prison, I'm on the streets anyway so you'd be doing no one a favour by taking me home."

"She actually said that?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yeah! I spoke to her yesterday."


"Just before I passed out. My memory started to come back just before I ran out the room." Daniel just stares at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not letting you run away again." He says quietly.

"I'm not running away. She kicked me out. I don't have any other choice but to leave." I start to cry as well. He convinces me to get in the car and takes me to Tom's house, where everyone is sitting around, worried about me.

"Oh my god, thank goodness you're okay!" Tom engulfs me in a hug as soon as I walk through the door. His brothers and parents all hug me separately as well.

"Can I talk to you a minute?" I say to Tom. He nods and leads me upstairs to his room.

"I need to tell you something."

"What's up?" He says with a worried look in his eyes.

"I can't stay here."

"What do you mean?"

"My mum kicked me out. I spoke to her just before I passed out and basically told her I wasn't going to help her anymore and she called me a spoiled brat and told me not to come home." I explain.

"Then you can stay here, with me. My mum suspected you wouldn't of wanted to go back and she's already agree-"

"Tom! I can't stay here. With you."

"Why not?"

"It'll be too hard for me. To see my house everyday. My brother and stepdad everyday, and probably my mother. I'm gonna talk to Tia and see if I can stay there and if not, I'll couch surf. I'll be okay."

"No, Caitlin. I won't let you be homeless without a permanent place to stay. If you can't stay at Tia's, stay here. I'll take care you and make sure you never go through anything like what you went through last night."

"You can't promise that." I place a hand on his cheek. "You're still going to see me everyday at school, I'll stay here from time to time but your house is not a permanent solution for me. I'm sorry,

I don't let him answer me and I start to dial Tia's phone number.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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