cheater cheater

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We start at the shopping centre for a few more hours before everyone piles into Tom's car and he takes everyone home. When it is just the two of us in the car, we sit in silence for a little while.

"So...who's Trevor?" He finally says something after excruciating silence for what seemed like forever.

"He's one of my best friends back home, he's basically a brother to me so you don't have anything to worry about." I explain briefly, not telling the whole story. He just nods his head and leaves the subject alone. I see his hand on the gearstick of the car and gently place my hand underneath his, feeling his warm temperature on my cold ass hands. I instantly feel him relax and melt more into my seat. We stop outside both of our houses and he looks deeply into my eyes, burning them.

"You wanna stay round tonight? My parents won't mind, they seem to love you." He asks me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I would love to but I need to sleep at my house again sometime." I smile, kissing his cheek and start to leave the car. He stops me but grabbing my waist and sitting me back down onto the seat, kissing my neck over and over again. I giggle as his lips tickle my skin, causing me to also squeal a few times.

"Do you have to though? All you do is complain about how much you hate being at home."

"I know but it's not like I can run away from here. I probably have a chip sewn into my neck, knowing my mother." I say sarcastically. "What if you stay at mine tonight? My parents won't even know that you're there, they barely notice me sometimes."

Tom thinks carefully before answering. "Sure, why not? I'll grab some clothes and be at yours in about 10?" I nod my head, kiss his cheek before leaving the car and running into my house to quickly clean my room as I remember it being a pig sty.

He arrives at 7:10 on the dot and knocks on my bedroom door. My stepdad must've let him in. I open the door to me being out of breath and breathing heavily.

"Did you run a marathon in the 10 minutes that I left you?" He greets me with a kiss on the cheek before entering my room. I laugh sarcastically as he sees all my dirty clothes shoved under a blanket under my desk chair. " tried to clean."

"Shut up, at least my room doesn't smell like McDonald's or boys underwear." I slap his chest gently.

"I would hope it wouldn't smell like boys underwear."

We sit on my bed and talk for a while before putting The Big Bang Theory on in the background and eventually falling asleep.

I awoke with a jolt. I can hear talking in the kitchen and check the time. 3:00am. Who the fuck is talking in the middle of the night? I see Tom next to me, still fast asleep. I quietly leave my bed and throw on a hoodie before creeping out of my room, trying not to scare away whoever was downstairs. I quickly tip toe down the stairs and peek into the kitchen and see some very attractive but very old man, around mid 40s. He's talking to someone in the kitchen, like he's flirting. That's when I see my mum come into view, touching and massaging his biceps.

My body kicks into fight mode and I storm down the stairs, ready to scream at my mother.

"Mum! What in the actual fuck are you doing?" I scream at her, not caring who woke up.

"Caity! W-What are you doing awake?" Scolding me.

"What the fuck?! Your HUSBAND is right upstairs while y-you're doing this!!" I start to cry, trying to stop myself as I hear my bedroom door open and someone walk down the stairs.

"Cait? Is everything ok?" I hear Tom behind me.

"Everything is fine. Just go back upstairs." I smile through the tears. He comes over to me and grabs both of my shoulders to try and calm me down.

"What's going on?" My stepdad comes down the stairs next. I didn't even hear him.

"N-Nothing, darling. Trouble with the heat next door and the neighbour came over. I know it's late, sorry for waking you." My mum goes over to my stepdad and tries to usher him back upstairs.

"Mum, are you fucking serious?" I shout at her.

"Don't you swear at me, Caitlin Jones." She points her finger at me. I start to cry.

"You're the one fucking cheating on your husband!" I scream at her.

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