Chapter 27

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November 20, 2022

For the last 2 days I have done exactly what Hobi asked. I don't know when it was the last time I fully relaxed and let my mind rest. Paris would be the answer to that question. My parents did their best to give us everything we ever wanted. Back then the only time I felt stress was minutes before any show but once my pointe shoe hit the wood floor all my worries would go away. I felt free when I danced. That feeling never went away. Not even when I was part of the group. I felt very similar. Though Nari made my time there uncomfortable, once I was dancing nothing she did mattered.

Being around the girls these few days has helped me tremendously. They have completely taken over my day and night and have kept me busy with long talks about nothing in particular, play time with my second favorite kid Mia, movie marathons where they play in the background while we either bake or cook side dishes for when the boys get home. I know they are also trying to stay busy to not miss the boys so much. Ella has said multiple times that she thought it would get easier with time but every time they leave it gets harder. It seems to be a sentiment all of the girls share. I learned that every time the boys leave they spend the time together and it helps them not to miss them so much.

Since they are all together the boys know where they are at all times and they don't worry as much. Now I understand why they all took time off school and work and we didn't leave the apartment for any reason. We got all our food delivered and most of it was ordered by the boys. In the mornings our coffee would be waiting at the doorstep and at lunch time the ring of the door would not fail. Dinner time we usually made our own food which made us bond more together. Being in the kitchen with the girls was full of messes and laughter. Mia of course was the center of everything we did. She was our leader and when she played we played. When Mia ate we ate. When she got tired and took a nap we did the same. Having two pregnant bestfriends meant they never said no to a nap. The first day it was hard for Min, Hae and I to calm down enough to take a nap but Mia made sure to tire us so much yesterday that we could not refuse the much needed nap. By noon we were all in our rooms getting comfortable. Hae and I took Jimin's and Hobi's room and once we were alone the first time I took the time to let her know about what was going on between Hobi and I. Surprisingly she already had a feeling that something was happening. Just like the others she was very happy and hugged me several times in excitement.

Seeing her like that made me think of how my parents would feel if they ever found out. Obviously I don't plan on telling them anytime soon if ever. I still don't know what Hobi and I are and I wouldn't be able to explain it to them. I was afraid they would suspect something when I called to tell them that I was staying in the dorm. Even more when my mom and grandma came over to see me and my mom made me show her where I was sleeping. I was sure she would have more questions. I was even expecting for her to not let me stay here all these days but she didn't say anything. I don't know yet if thats a good thing or if I should be worried. She did tell me my dad and grandpa didn't know I was back in Korea. She thought it would be better if they didn't know I was staying here. I agreed with her because I don't know how my dad would react to me staying at a guys house even if the guys are not here. Another lie I don't particularly feel ok with but if it means I get to be close to Hobi I will take it.

Everything that might happen once all these lies explode in my face are nothing compare to the fact that Hobi is coming home to me. He has been extra sweet the time we have been apart. He is always sweet but not the way I have been experiencing lately. Every morning he send me good morning texts with a picture attached. Usually its a selfie of him bare chested with morning hair. Its unbelievably sweet and sexy at the same time. He will also text me before he starts his schedule for the day and anytime he has a break. Most of the texts are pictures of what he is doing, of what he is eating and some are funny ones of the other guys being caught off guard. He has told me that it makes him feel like I am there with him. Of course pictures is not all that he has sent. Along with the lunch he sent flowers for all the girls and mine were extra special.

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