Chp:7 Fed Up & Tired

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The next morning Violet woke up to a knock at the front door. She answered to find Terri looking extremely concerned. She hugged Violet tightly, crying uncontrollably.

"Are you ok, I've been trying to call you all night! I didn't know if something had happened and you didn't answer your phone. I thought....something had happened," she said as tears filled her eyes.

"I'm ok, I'm right here. Come in and calm down. Do you want some coffee and breakfast?"

They went in the house and had breakfast and Violet did her best to calm down Terri reassuring her everything was fine.

Violet made breakfast potaotes, eggs, turkey bacon, walffles, fruit, and coffee. Terrie felt a little better after eating and they discussed how to get her out of this situation.

"Let's leave, we can start over.... you and me. Forget him and your mom, they dont care about your well being. We can drive or fly; I really don't care...please... let's go," begged Terri as her left knee tapped uncontrollably.

"We cant just leave... and go where," asked Violet nervously? ---" Who cares anywhere, but here! I have thrity thousand saved up right now. Let's just go! I may be able to get five thousand more soon, depending on when we decide to leave. I'll explain how later."

"Where did you get all that money?"

"Lets just say I've been saving since last year. Taxes and when my grandmother died she left me 10 grand in her will and I put it in a savings account. I know this sounds crazy, but let's just go nobody has to know where, we can start new lives!"

"I dont know," said Violet unsure?

"What's there to know.. safety, a new beginning, no Aaron. Forget this place theres nothing but bad memeories and pain here, we can get new jobs and living our best lives, a new start."
" I'm willing to take this money and go with you and never look back," said Terri as tears filled her eyes.

"What about Aaron, he's not gonna let me leave."

" There are ways we can make this happen without him knowing, do you trust me, asked Terri looking her straight in the eyes? Terri was serious and needed Violet to understand what they were walking into. This was not just a lot of money, but her money and they only had one chance.

Violet thought long and hard, how with the right plan it could be a solution to her problem. She was scared, but knew she had to do something. Terri and Violet spent the day together and came up with the perfect plan.

Terri still wasn't sure if Violet was truly ready to go through with it and take the opportunity she was offering. She had no choice, but to risk it. She couldn't leave her friend hanging. There was a lot to loose if things didn't go acorrding to plan and they both understood that.

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