Chapter 74

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Looking around the dark interrogation room, I wonder where life will take me from here. I wonder if I will get back my freedom or if I will be taken to prison. Arrested and taken to jail for the crimes that I didn't commit.

It is as if history is repeating itself.

The same thing had happened to Naveen because Ritu Mishra betrayed him.

That is why, the question that has been swirling in my mind since everything went down is who betrayed me.

Lt. Roshan Chaubey’s face flashes in my mind and it causes a pinch in my heart.

He was right there in front of me, and yet, I could not save him. Could not do anything except watch him die.

Chaubey was an honest man. An honest soldier. Death of such an officer is a huge loss for the army.

I vivdly remember how he had looked at me in his final moments.

It was as if he wanted to tell me something. But the only thing he could utter in that final second was "odd fa".

Before I could ask him what he meant by that, he closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

I was in shock with everything that happened in such a small time last night. From me arriving to that house to Chaubey’s death--it seemed too surreal that, for a moment, I even thought it was not real.

But that thought shattered soon when a barrage of army officers swarmed inside the house.

Seeing them come in, I shook myself out of the shock and tried to tell them what happened, but they didn't listen to me.

Instead, they were quick to take Chaubey’s body and confiscate my phone and my gun.

They then arrested me on suspicion of Chaubey’s murder and stealing of the nuclear trigger.

The nuclear trigger being stolen was a shocking news for me. Yet, I kept my calm and tried to explain to them what had happened, but they didn't listen to me.

The only thing they said was I will be allowed to talk once they get me to the interrogation room in the headquarter.

So, I had no choice but to come with them.

Thankfully, Colonel Chandra was present in the room when I was interrogated. He allowed me to explain in detail about everything that happened.

But I got the third shock that night when Colonel Chandra played a recording of his phone call with Lt. Chaubey that night.

Chaubey sounded frantic and breathless when he told Colonel about nuclear trigger missing from the headquarter and him suspecting me for stealing it. He further said that he had called me to a place near KMA to confront me about it and also asked the Colonel to send backup there as soon as possible.

As I listened to that recording, I could not fathom why Chubey would lie like that. It was not him but I who wanted to meet him that night. And that too to discuss about how we can add another layer of security to the trigger.

Chaubey knew me very well. He knew I would never even think of stealing the trigger and compromise our country's safety.

Still, he said that to Colonel Chandra. He said something he would never think of right before his death. And the way he had been tortured in that house. Also, what he had said right before pulling the trigger of my gun.

“For my country,” he had said right before shooting himself.

That is what I have been thinking about since I got a moment to take everything in and roll it over repeatedly in my head.

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