Chapter 10

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The door slammed shut and Beomgyu winced from the loud noise.

He still sat on his own bed and looked into nothingness.

He had made no effort to stop the younger boy. His words had hurt him.

He did not want to look for someone else. He had finally found someone whose body he would have liked to touch. But this boy is no longer there.

But Beomgyu still did not understand why. Had he behaved wrongly?


The next few days were like the days before Taehyun showed up at his house.


Everything as always.

But Taehyun was missing, Beomgyu's body temperature was always normal but now strangely high. It was as if he had a fever.

He thought about the blond boy and he regretted ever going to this website. He knew now that there was someone who was good for him.

But that someone didn't want him. And he didn't even know the reason.

Days later

What was he doing now? It was Saturday evening.

Headache and dizziness was what Beomgyu was feeling right now. He staggered through the room full of people.

A party.

He really took Taehyun's suggestion seriously.

But he found the whole thing unnecessary. He had a red plastic cup of alcohol in one hand and was looking at his wristwatch with the other.

01:57 a.m. Time to go.

The dark-haired man was running out of patience. He wanted to go home and throw himself on his bed. Stare at the ceiling and let time pass senselessly on his cell phone.


He stepped to the door and suddenly heard a voice behind him.

Undefinable for others with alcohol level. But he was almost sober.
Searching, he looked around the room and discovered a figure leaning against a wall.

The blond younger sat there with cups of alcohol around him.
Beomgyu went to him. He had nothing more to do today anyway.

"Taehyun? Is that you?" He knelt in front of the young one and already lifted his chin to look into his face.

"B-beomgy u- hyung you're here? You listened to me."

The addressed turned to all sides. "Are you here with someone?"

"Just with myself and the mugs here." He said, looking around him.


Dragging Taehyun with him, Beomgyu walked toward his apartment.

"What are you doing? I-can't talk to you."

Said Taehyun and Beomgyu now picked him up. "Talk to me when you're sober."

With Taehyun on his arms, he was soon home and set the young boy down on his bed. Clothes and shoes were no longer on his body and he was otherwise wearing jeans and a long shirt.

Because of the heat, Taehyun took off these clothes. Beomgyu was shocked when he entered the room and found the blond boy sitting in front of him in only his underpants.

The boy smiled broadly at him. "I even chewed some gum so I wouldn't smell like alcohol." Proudly he let himself fall on the bed.

"It's so cozy here, can I stay with you forever?"


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