1: Fight

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(Timeskip to 3 months later)


Occasionally, Bonnie cried.

She used to never cry. In fact, she would always be happy, but this was different. Once Freddy was gone, the school didn't have that giant swarm of people. Instead, it had a big hole. Only filled with new 7th Graders.

Bonnie kept her hair over her eyes whenever she cried. 8th Grade was different. She never dared to go near Room 13, but she still sometimes wondered what was behind the door now.

One day, she realized how much Freddy and the simulations of 7th Grade had changed her.

A 9th Grader along with his group of friends walked up to her and put an arm heavily on her shoulder. "Dude, why is your hair purple? That's so weird."

She sighed. She didn't need this. "Yeah, my hair is purple. Now can I wait for the bell to ring in peace?"

"You're very sad. Did your mother die or something?" another one of his friends chimed in, a ripple of laughter passing through the group.

"It wasn't my mother. Now go away, please." She kept on walking, trying to ignore him.

"Heh," one of them said. "Purple hair is for weirdos. This girl's a weirdo!"

Bonnie's anger fumed. Why were they being rude to her? Didn't anyone else notice? Did anyone else care?

Bonnie had to take matters into her own hands.

"You're a--" the main boy started.

Bonnie interrupted him with the twist of the hips and throwing her fist out. It caught the 9th Grader in the temple. He yelled in pain and fell to the floor instantly.

Another boy came up to her from behind and picked her up aggressively. Bonnie yelled and kicked with her free feet. Finally, one foot connected with his groin. The boy moaned and collapsed. Bonnie fell to the ground and rolled over, looking up.

Two guys came at her from behind and in front. She waited as they each came closer and closer. At the last second, she jumped off to the side as they each crashed into each other. She threw her foot at them each and got one. He collapsed in the other direction while the other fell backward.

"The girl wants to play it tough?" the boy whom she had hit first grunted, getting up on his feet. "I can play it tough as well."

Bonnie gulped.

The 9th Grader dashed toward her as fast as he could, his fist charged up for a punch. She stuck her foot out at his exposed chest and stopped him from attacking her. He threw a powerful hook punch at her. She ducked and sprang back up, catching him in the jaw with her fist. She tried to send out another punch, but the boy caught it and socked her in the stomach.

Bonnie stumbled back and sputtered as the boy rushed toward her again. She smiled with a sudden idea.

Bonnie crouched down into a fetal position when the boy was two paces away. He tripped over her and crashed down to the ground.

She sprang up and looked around, suddenly aware of the crowd around her. She stared at the people who she had just fought against. They all were on the floor, groaning in pain. One of them had blood seeping from a slightly crooked nose. Another had a bruised jaw and bloody fists. Had she really done this much damage?

A counselor shuffled his way through the crowd, staring at Bonnie angrily.

Her heart sunk.

"It looks like you're the one that caused this fight. You're the only one standing up." He grinned. "You know what we do with those types of people?"

Bonnie gulped.

"Huh, first week of school . . . luckily your grades haven't suffered." The next part tore her heart apart.

"You're suspended!"

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now