26: Happy Birthday

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Foxy's POV

Foxy stepped into his house silently, wondering if anyone was home. It was dark, although it was bright outside. From the entrance, he could see a few blinds had been closed. 

He sighed. There wasn't a car in the driveway, so his mom most likely wasn't home. No light could be seen on the walls. Foxy was alone.

At least my family won't see me leave, Foxy thought. They don't need to worry about me.

Foxy walked through a few rooms before opening the door to his room. He drew in a deep breath. He didn't think he would be needing anything. He had this weird power, so he could hunt for food. Foxy realized he might need money for food if they were going into the city.

He let himself tip backward and fall onto his bed, relaxing.

Pain stabbed at his back as he realized he was still shirtless, the scars of Jonathan's whipping still etched into his back. He spun around, trying not to let the pain overtake him. Looking to his dresser, he slipped off of the bed and put on a red shirt with the word PIRATE blazed onto the front.

He dropped back onto the bed, instead on his stomach. He contemplated everything.

How long had this entire adventure taken place? Foxy would need to miss school if he were to leave. 

But he always missed school anyway.

He looked over at his wall at a calendar. His mom usually marked the days down as they went. Foxy examined it for a bit before his mind went completely blank. 

June 4th.

That was . . . Foxy's birthday. School was already out? How? The time his adventure took place seemed like only a few days. And yet it was already his birthday?

Wow . . . I'm turning fourteen. And no one's here for that?

Well, happy birthday, Foxy.

Foxy looked at his closed curtain, another deep sigh filling his body. If he was already fourteen, then Chica and Freddy had to be fourteen, too. Foxy knew that Bonnie was younger than him, but only by two months. 

Still . . . fourteen already . . .

Foxy rolled over again and looked at the alarm clock. The red light read: 6:00 PM

He rubbed his eyes and laid back down. Silently, he raised a finger and created a small wisp of light. Smiling slightly, he wrote in the air: Foxy rocks!

He laughed a bit and sighed. Foxy dispelled the energy and thought for a moment.

Suddenly, all he could think about was Bonnie.

Blushing slightly, he created a little more energy and scribbled out into the air:

I love you Bonnie.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now