19: No Way Out

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(fanart in the media is by @PandaCookies11)

(music in the media isn't really meant to be listened to during the chapter. It's just some beautiful music I found. Don't judge me for it being Downton Abbey. My mom is watching it and the music plays a lot and it's so beautiful. I hope you feel the same way.)

(Foxy's POV)

After everything they had all been through, Foxy didn't expect himself to be tied up again.

But this time, he was kneeling against the rough surface of a whipping post. His wrists felt charred from the hot metal that fastened his wrists against the wood. Now, he was completely helpless.

The door behind him screeched. Foxy looked behind him with bloodshot eyes. His anger surged through him as he saw Jonathan. In his hands, he held a long crimson whip, turning purple along the base. When Foxy noticed the glistening of the whip on the end, he realized that someone had already been whipped. He gulped.

Jonathan walked around Foxy, keeping his chin up as he walked. "Oh, Foxy. Remember happy and sarcastic Jonathan?"

Foxy kept his head down. He didn't want to make eye contact.

"I asked you a question!" barked Jonathan.

Foxy set his jaw. "Yes," he said in a near whisper. "I remember when you first kidnapped us. I remember when you murdered Freddy. I remember when you murdered--"

"You remember it all, I get it! Now shut up!" Jonathan spat. He snapped his whip across the floor, leaving a glimmering streak of crimson across the ground.

Foxy flinched and put his head against the post. "Please, tell me what you want. If it's reasonable, I'll give it to you."

Jonathan released a loud, "Ha!" and snapped the whip across the post. The whip caught Foxy's hand, causing burning pain to be felt all across his arm.

That was when he realized he didn't have a shirt. Hope Bonnie doesn't see me like this, he thought.

"You really think that if I tell you that you will give it? I know the nature of you and your friends. You can't keep your noses out of what I want."

"So you think we asked to live a life like this? You think we wanted to experience seeing our friend's dead body? To watch death and to be caught up in all this danger? If you're blaming us--"

"I am. But you can't know why I'm doing these things to you."

"That's why you took my friends and I away again."

"I did it because I've always hated those three . . . guys. Ugh."

Foxy looked up at Jonathan, who only stared at the wall. "Their names were Spring, Mari, and Gold. You murdered--"

Jonathan's face changed from lifeless to a furious rage. "You don't think I remember their names?! You don't think I remember what I did to them?!"

"What you did to them was murder!"


Foxy's face twisted with rage, feeling his muscles grow taut. "And what about Freddy, huh? I suppose that what you did to him was justice? You're an adult and you killed a minor."

"I didn't kill a minor! I merely got an obstacle out of the way!"

Foxy's rage spun in his throat, forming a tornado of fury. Finally, he released it into a loud, strenuous scream. The metal against Foxy's wrists grew hotter and hotter as he felt power inside of him. The power swirled around his hands before--

CRASH! The entire whipping post shattered into oblivion, forcing outward with Foxy's power. He shielded his eyes against the army of splinters for a few moments before it all stopped. His hands were free.

He got to his feet and sprinted for the door, hammering his fist against the metal surface. He blasted it a few times before realising something horrible.

There was no way out.

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