2: Depressed Revelation

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(Foxy's POV)

Foxy kicked his bed and launched onto it, looking up at the ceiling. He had to sort through everything that had gone on in the past while.

Bonnie was suspended.

Freddy was dead.

Spring was dead.

Mari was dead.

Gold was dead.

Jonathan had escaped.

His mind was a tornado, swinging and destroying everything. Why did they all need to die? Why did Jonathan need to escape?

Foxy sighed. Everything he ever knew in his life was gone. He never wanted to go back to school. Never wanted to go anywhere. All he wanted to do was lay back on his bed and think. Contemplate.

The thought of Bonnie beating up all those 9th Grade boys at school made Foxy feel a little better. It was so amazing that she had that kind of aggression inside her. That something like her fists would actually cause hurt to someone else.

But then his thoughts shifted back to Jonathan and how he had completely wreaked havoc on their lives. Why did it need to be Freddy?

And what was up with Bonnie shooting stuff out of herself? At least, out of what Chica said about it, it sounded so strange. Was it just a dream? Was Chica lying?

Soon rage filled his veins for that Jonathan. He had murdered his friends. He had nearly taken Foxy and Chica and Bonnie's lives. He had killed . . . he had done . . .

Something ripped at Foxy's heart. It wasn't a figurative rip. He actually felt something tear at his heart. Pain surged through him with this unnamed invisible force. Foxy screamed as he was suddenly lolled into the air.

Red light surrounded him spinning in circles. He squinted as it spun faster and faster--

POW-POW-POW! The light balled up like fists and drove straight into Foxy's heart. Instead of pain, he felt an overwhelming power.

Foxy soon dropped back to his bed, panting hard at what he had just witnessed. What was going on . . . ?

He looked at his hands and found stringy red light swirling around the whole hand in large orbs. They reminded Foxy of the orbs he had touched to go into the simulations in 7th Grade.

Foxy had no idea what just happened, but when he would find out, he would definitely not know how to feel.


Foxy cried in a corner again at school, even though it was raining. He didn't have a jacket, so each drop was a piranha against his cold skin.

Freddy was gone. Bonnie was suspended. Foxy didn't want to live in a world like that, but he had no other choice than to live the miserable life he lived. All he really had was Chica.

One person.

Foxy didn't want to think. Just to let his mind fly away and just let his body be an empty suit. Just one more drop of rain. One more. One more. One more drop of pain.

School wasn't in yet, so people still were walking into the school. Foxy didn't care until a new 7th Grader appeared above him along with his friends.

"Dude," he said. "Get up. School's about to start."

Ignore him. He will go away.

The kid kicked him and said louder, "Get up, 8th Grader. What's with the eyepatch?"

His friends laughed. Foxy didn't know why it was funny. "I got in a fight with a person I know. Now go mind your own--"

"A fight? You're too scrawny to fight anyone."

Rage propelled Foxy to his feet, staring at the confident 7th Grader. "Say that again?"

He laughed and said in a nosy voice, "You're too scrawny--"

Foxy yelled. Red light started to illuminate his hands and the rainy air around him. The red light blasted forward at the 7th Grader. The young boy screamed as the light slammed him in the chest and sent him flying backward. He landed a few yards away on his side, silent.

The other boys were already gone before Foxy could turn to look back at them.

Foxy stared at his hands. They glowed with red light.

What was going on?

Foxy put his head down, sobbed and sprinted away from the school, prepared to stay at home forever.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now