7: A New Friend

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(Bonnie's POV)

Bonnie relaxed as they approached the unfamiliar doors. The place was certainly different in the day. The way the sun was able to catch the worn down cement walls dazzled Bonnie's eyes. Foxy and Chica seemed confident, but even though she had this strange power inside of her, her nervousness seemed to only be worse and worse by the second. Bonnie definitely didn't like it.

She wanted to tell them that maybe it wasn't such a good idea, but after taking into account the amount of time it took them to ride over, she kept her words in her throat.

"Please don't be locked," Foxy pleaded as he reached out to grab the knob. His fist clenched around it and, to no surprise, it didn't turn. Foxy groaned. "Ugh, really? How will we get in?"

Chica shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we could climb into the building in some way."

Bonnie thought for a possible solution, straining her mind to stretch to any possible solution. Everything seemed to slip away. Her eyes flashed back to Foxy.

That was when her answer came to her.

"Foxy!" she shouted. "Blast open the door with your power!"

He looked at her like she was insane. "Really? Like that'll work."

"No, no, no! Just do it! The door will be open!" Bonnie knew that she was speaking the obvious, but it was true. She knew that if the power was enough to drive back Jonathan, it would at least be enough to blast open a locked door.

Foxy smiled. "Okay, but if the power somehow gets out of control and hits either of you . . ." His smile widened. He pointed at Bonnie. "It's your fault."

She shot him an angry glare, but he laughed and faced the door again. Red power began to gather in his fist, swirling around like the orb that led them into the simulations. Foxy reared up his fist and punched forward, sending the red light charging toward the door. When the power made contact, the door burst open. It blasted off of its hinges and clattered to the ground with a loud clang! 

Bonnie smiled. "Now, did anyone get hurt?"

Foxy smacked her with a silly glare, but no words escaped his mouth. Bonnie grinned. She had won.

The three children stumbled past the supine doors and looked inside. It was certainly different with smoky sunlight venting through cobweb-mobbed windows. Still, there were puddles dotting the dusty floor, and the smell of moldy pizza reeked throughout the entire area.

"Well," Chica rang, "this is . . . interesting."

Bonnie couldn't help but nod. It was all so old and different at night.

"Should we go looking for clues?" Foxy asked.

Chica nodded. "I think we should start where we found Freddy in the chair—"

"Don't mention Freddy, okay? We should just . . . go where we need to go. Nothing to do with Freddy, okay?" Bonnie asked, sadness tearing at her insides. She wanted to release a sob, but she couldn't. She didn't want to.

Chica stared at her for a while, but nodded. "I won't."

They walked in pure silence across the room to the door that was behind the stage. Since none of them were tied up in any way, it was much easier to get up onto the stage.

They opened the door silently. To their shock, the lights were already on. That could only mean one thing.

Someone was there with them.

"Let's just hope that we don't find anyone here," Foxy suggested.

"And if we do find someone, let's just hope it's not Jonathan." Chica stepped past the threshold of the doorway and looked back at Foxy and Bonnie. "Let's go."

Bonnie stepped through, examining each door and making sure none of them were open or showed the least bit of sign that someone else was there.

"I think Freddy was in this door," Foxy said as he walked to a door. He stood by it and looked at Chica and Bonnie. With a slightly quivering hand, Foxy latched onto the knob and slowly twisted it, looking in through the crack. His gaze flashed back to Chica and Bonnie. They nodded and followed Foxy through the door.

Bonnie nearly jumped when she saw what was in there.

There was a young boy, no older than ten or eleven, lying in the same chair that Freddy's dead body laid on. But something was different about this boy. This boy's chest moved slightly up and down. His face was relaxed, but it was drenched with sweat. What was happening?

Chica burst forward and dashed toward the boy. She examined him for a but before looking back to Bonnie and Foxy. "I think he's going through a simulation. I don't think he will survive it if we don't do something."

Bonnie thought it over for a moment, sorting through different possible solutions. She stared at the boy and back to Chica and over to Foxy. A thought appeared in her mind.

"Get him out of the simulation," she commanded sharply. "But first, Chica needs to find out what the simulation is. Chica, I need you to grab his hand."

"Why?" Chica shot back.

"Just do it, please. We don't have much time."

Chica fumbled for the boy's hand. Once she had a full grasp of it, her eyes suddenly went pale and her face was blank. Foxy and Bonnie watched silently as Chica twitched and shook. Bonnie knew for a fact that whatever the boy was going through wasn't good.

Suddenly, Foxy shot out and grabbed the boy's foot. Bonnie looked at him with angry confusion.

"What are you—" she started.

She was interrupted with red light seeping out through Foxy's hand and into the boy's ankle. After only a second or two, Chica and the boy snapped out of their daze. The boy screamed, Chica panting.

The boy settled down and looked up at Bonnie. "Who are you guys?"

Bonnie stared at him. His blonde hair fell over his bright blue eyes. The boy painted and shivered hard, his eyes wild.

Chica looked at him, concerned. "What's your name?"

The boy sniffed, his face collecting together to a more calm, relaxed phase. "My name is Ben. I have something to show you."

Instantly, everything around everyone instantly shifted, the closed off environment exploding into an expanse of trees, rock, and giant hills.

"If you want to save Freddy," the boy added, "this is the place you need to go."

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now