4: Fear

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(Freddy's POV)

The blackness that surrounded Freddy seemed to get thinner, but it still held. It was like smoke-a smoke that couldn't be lit up. After however long he was there, it felt like it was ripping and breaking.

Freddy thought about what it could mean. Was he somehow being released from this horrible death? Was he being brought back to reality? Something joyful bubbled inside of him at the thought.

Suddenly, soft light exploded in front of him. It started as a small wisp, but soon grew so big that he had been swallowed by the entire thing, staring off into whiteness.

"Freddy," a deep voice boomed. "You are afraid. You are afraid because your destiny is not known to you."

Destiny? What destiny? Freddy was dead. There was nothing he could do to change that. He knew his friends were okay. That was all he needed to know. He couldn't talk in this black area of loneliness. He couldn't answer to the voice.

"You are too young to know, but the time is drawing near. In order for your purpose to be fulfilled, you must be alive."

How could he be alive? He was officially dead. Freddy couldn't change that no matter how hard he would try.

"Your friends will know. They will bring you back to life. And when they do, your destiny will be known to you. I promise. Just be patient."

Freddy wanted to argue; to tell this voice that it was impossible. But even so, maybe it was right. In a world where men were purple, paintings took you places you didn't know you could go, and simulations killed you, maybe it really was possible.

Maybe it really was possible.

Freddy watched as the light around him diminished and he was back in the blackness. He was so confused.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now