11: Return

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(Bonnie's POV)

As Foxy collapsed, Bonnie jumped forward. Her arms curled under Foxy's as she held onto him tightly.

"Run!" she called out to Ben and Chica.

Even though they had just returned for Foxy, they ran back through the rumbling cave. Bonnie pulled Foxy along, imploring that nothing would happen to them. That nothing would crush them.

It was hard to gain her balance as she dragged Foxy through the cave. She had only barely dodged a falling boulder as she held Foxy.

She needed help.

Did she need to ask for it?

Not now. Chica and Ben were already gone through the tunnel. It was up to Bonnie if she lived or died.

She rather she lived.

This motivation helped her pull Foxy's limp body through the cave. She was on the verge of tears as she only pulled Foxy across the stone ground.

Was Foxy dead? He had collapsed after releasing an immense amount of power into the cave. She didn't know if that type of thing had the power to kill a person . . .

Then, a thought came into her mind.

Panting hard, she dropped Foxy onto the ground. His red hair fanned around his head, flopping lazily.

Bonnie held her hands in front of her and pulsed her power. As the power zipped forward, Bonnie redirected it so that it would form a circle around Foxy. The purple light glistened as Bonnie lifted it into the air. Instead of dropping, Foxy stayed inside the sphere of power like a chick in an egg.

Keeping the power flowing from her hands and running at the same time wasn't easy to do. Still, she kept her focus on those two things only: Foxy and her own escape.

The light of the exit shimmered in the distance. She was getting close.

Bonnie's chest itched with exhaustion, the rumbling only growing more intense.

Hold . . . Foxy . . .

Her vision was getting fuzzy.

You can make it . . .

Bonnie could feel her foot slam into her other. Instantly, she toppled over. She could hear voices call her name, "Bonnie . . . !"

You can't.


Something tingled.

She was awakening.

As Bonnie could feel her eyes drifting open, she spotted a shape above her. It was a face. It was Foxy's, etched with concern and sudden relief. Another face shone in his vision. She instantly recognised it as Chica.

Foxy was the one Bonnie was most excited about.

"Bonnie!" he cried joyfully. Bonnie felt arms around her as Foxy pulled her close into a hug. His hand was on the back of her head, pulling her into his neck. She heard him sobbing slightly. "You're alive . . . you saved me . . . thank you. Thank you . . ."

She then heard another voice. It was a young boy's. Ben. "Good thing you're alive. You won't believe what Foxy did to the cave."

Bonnie's eyes widened. Foxy was still hugging her. A part of her wanted to see what he did. The other part wanted to stay in his arms.

She put her arms around him as well. After a while, they pulled away and looked at each other, smiling.

"Did Jonathan die?" she asked.

Ben looked over the mountain with a smile. "I think so. He might have been crushed--"

Bonnie was alarmed. She sat up, her head flipping everywhere to see what could have possibly crushed Jonathan. Her head stopped when she saw a beautiful and shocking sight.

One of the large hills in the mountain was completely caved in, rubble and large boulders littering the one large plot of land. Bonnie laughed. Maybe Jonathan really was dead. Maybe it was all over now.

Ben started, "If he was crushed, that means--"

A brown light exploded through the surface of the rubble. It shot skyward for a moment before shooting down in their group's direction. Bonnie's eyes widened with shock for a moment as the brown light enlarged as it ate the distance to them.

Instantly, the light exploded onto the ground, the light kindling into brown flames. Bonnie flew back with the oncoming force, even though she was already sitting.

"Ben!" Chica screamed. "What's happening?"

Ben stared at her, surprisingly calm. "You're gonna like this."

"What?" Foxy yelled.

Ben stayed silent, his eyes fixed on the flames. Bonnie's eyes returned to the brown light.

Soon, the light formed into a figure. The figure began to change colors. Bonnie learned that it was a person. Who was it?

The light faded, leaving this one person standing in front of all of them.

He wore a brown vest over a white collared shirt and brown pants. His curly brown hair was topped with a top hat.

His face formed.

Bonnie couldn't believe it.

It was Freddy.

Chica stood up and ran up to him. Freddy stared at her as she stared at him, her wild eyes exploring his face.

That was when she slapped him.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now