10: Encounter

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(Foxy's POV)

Foxy was slightly shocked.

After he got his turn to look at the stone tablet, he found that it was definitely a map. It had the area very well mapped out and showed a path winding through the many rolling mountains. He looked around to find Ben, who was approaching them.

"May I see it?" Ben asked. Foxy nodded and handed the backpack sized rock to the nine-year-old. Ben examined it and looked up at the rest of the group.

"It's accurate. I don't know how it got here, but it's where I wanted to lead you originally." He tucked it under his arm and pointed across the mountain. "Let's go. If we don't hurry, something . . ." He froze slightly and shook his head.

"What about this something?" Bonnie inquired.

Ben stared at her, a sudden fire kindling in his eye. "Don't ask, okay? Just walk."

Foxy gulped at Ben's sudden outburst. It didn't seem right for a small boy like him to be outraging at a group of teenagers. Everyone was silent as they started up the small incline, the beautiful scenery around them dazzling. Still, there was a tension in the air. Something that held and rooted in their stomachs, making them churn. Maybe it was Ben's outburst, maybe it was something else.

After about fifteen minutes of walking in silence, Foxy's mind tugged with a question. It rushed past his lips. "Ben, who are you?"

Ben stared at him with intense blue eyes. "What do you mean?"

Foxy shook his head. "I said it wrong. Tell us about you. We don't know much about you."

Ben's bulbous eyes started to sparkle. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm not asking about your past. I'm just asking if you could tell things like your favorite color." Foxy shivered. He hoped that Ben wouldn't burst again.

Ben's chest rose, as though to speak, but then he froze, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica followed his gaze and found it pointed at a dark cave.

"A cave . . ." Chica mused. She looked back at Ben. "Is this where we need to go to save Freddy?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Do we just enter?" Bonnie asked.

Ben nodded again, keeping quiet. They all took shaky breaths and approached the cave. Soon, they stood at the gaping teeth of the cave.

Foxy adjusted his eyepatch and looked at Ben, the question still ringing in his mind. "Ben, tell us---"

"I miss my balloons!" Ben sobbed, putting his head into his hands.

In silence, not knowing what to do, they submerged themselves in the darkness of the cave. Ben sobbed once more.



That was all they knew as they silently passed theoygh the throat of the dank cave. Their breath was already moistening in their throats. Ben kept his crying under control once they had entered.

"What do we do?" Foxy whispered.

"Keep walking," Ben commanded, his voice cracking.

"How long?" asked Bonnie.

"Until I tell you to srop." Ben's shivering was audible.

They kept their silence, the tapping of their shoes against the cave floor being the only noise.

After about thirty seconds of walking in the dark cave, a sudden salty voice rang throughout the cave.

"Of course, they're here!" the voice called jovially. Foxy knew that voice. It absolutely disgusted him.


"Jonathan!" Bonnie screamed, looking around for that man of purple. Foxy scanned the cave for him as well. He wasn't behind or in front of them.

He had to be . . .

Foxy craned his neck upward. He saw a small purple shape floating in the air above them. His veins boiled with anger.

A loud and over-dramatic sigh filled the cave. "Don't you guys just hate the world? All this anger and sadness and . . ." A sort of positive energy came from Jonathan. "Ah . . . it's horrible. Why do you want to live in a world like that? You can't."

Finally, Foxy's rage flooded from his fingers. He threw his hands out and screamed as loud as he could. Red light appeared on front of him, reflecting onto the walls dimly. He found a spider web-like system of paths flying up a large vertical tunnel.

He shoved at Jonathan's direction. The light zoomed at him. Instantly, Jonathan jumped and rolled out of the way, laughing.

"Naïve, really. Just stop trying to kill me and my needs will be fulfilled." Jonathan walked gentleman-like across a path he stood on.

"You murdered Freddy!" Foxy screamed. He felt a tough hand on his arm. He found Bonnie there, staring at him with fear.

His face twisting with rage, he yanked away from Bonnie and blindly shot large balls of bright red light at Jonathan, who happily danced across the different paths. A few of the times Foxy would shoot a light ball, it would cause one of the paths to crumble.

Foxy screamed blindly like a madman. "Murderer! You deserve to die! Freddy will be back! I hate you! You killed him! You killed Spring! Mari! Gold! You must die NOW!"

"Foxy, stop!" Chica and Bonnie begged. "Please, don't attack Jonathan!"

Foxy put his lava rage aside for a moment and stared at Chica, Bonnie, and Ben. "Run," he mumbled quietly.

With tear-filled eyes, they bolted in the direction if the exit.

Regaining every ounce of anger he ever had in the past three months, he screamed as loud as he could. Red light buzzed throughout the entire cave, vibrating every inch of rock. The light grew brighter and brighter as Jonathan started to scream for Foxy to stop.

Foxy wouldn't stop.

Not after all that Jonathan had done.

The sounds of rock snapping and breaking filled the continuously growing noise in the cave.

As boulders fell around him, Foxy thought he could feel arms grab his shoulders and pull him in the direction of the exit.

A part of Foxy wanted to crush Jonathan.

The other part wanted to be crushed.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now