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Thank all of you who stuck by me through this whole adventure! I hope those last words right there were enough to get you hyped for the final book!

Now just one thing I'd like to be clear for now is that I'm changing the title of the book. I've been really specific about making this title by me. And I had an idea before (Their Time is Out.) But now I decide to make it different. I hope this one's a bit better. (Forever to be Free.)

So yeah, once I have the cover ready, I'll release the intro to the book and let you guys wait until the final book surfaces! That might be in about a week or so, but I'm not sure. I actually might not be able to do it until next Wednesday or Thursday, as I'm going to . . . a place. I ain't tellin' you where!

I will be updating my other stories throughout the week. (Who knows, I might FINALLY update Five Nights at Berri's, as I haven't updated it in about two months. I don't know. I lose track of time.

I'm only kinda excited for where I'm going, so it's not like I'll be writing the entire time.

All I wanna say is that I thank every single one of you who stuck with me through this adventure. When I finished the first book, it had about 2K reads, but now it almost has 14K. It's just so amazing. I couldn't ask for better readers.

And this one, it finished off with 6K reads. Who knows what the next one will bring out? 

In the meantime, I'm pretty excited for this next book. Are you?

I'll have the intro to the next book out soon so that you can add it to your libraries, get nice and ready for when the first chapter is released, etc.

I hope this covers it! Again, thank you all SO much for being here! You have no idea how happy I am you're here and I'm always extremely glad to write for you awesome people!

Thank you and have a very lovely day!

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now