16: A Familiar Place

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Freddy's POV

After realizing his new surroundings, Freddy stumbled back, overwhelming waves of fear and memory washing over him.

It was the same room that Jonathan had killed him in.

It was the same room that he had been put into a simulation in.

Freddy absolutely hated this room.

He hit the metal wall with a loud clang! Soon, he slid to the floor. Freddy wanted to forget all about what had happened to him a few months ago. He shook his head and shivered, getting back to his feet.

"Freddy, are you alright?" Foxy asked.

Freddy blinked and swallowed. "Yeah. I . . . hope so, at least."

Foxy nodded, looking back at the rest of the room.

"So . . . let me get this straight," Bonnie entered. "We just went through a huge, crazy simulation in order to keep us from being found by Jonathan who, right now, is looking for us all across the country by destroying cities." Bonnie shivered. "How is he doing that, though? Ben said that he had lost his powers."

Ben nodded, blankly staring at nothing. "Yes, I did say that."

"So how?" Chica asked.

Ben released a long, drawn out sigh. "I believe you shouldn't know why yet, but the time is coming closer."

"The time is coming closer for what?" Bonnie asked, nervousness ringing in her voice.

"For you all to know the truth about everything. Why you have powers, what Jonathan truly wants, things like that." Ben rubbed his temples, as though he had a headache.

"Why not let us know now?" Foxy inquired.

Instead of answering, Ben painstakingly stumbled back. He groaned sharply, collapsed into the wall, and was dragged to the floor by gravity.

"Is he alright?!" Chica cried, dashing to Ben's side.

As she kneeled down, Ben let out a loud scream. Chica scuttled backward, trying to get as far away from the screaming boy as possible. As Freddy fearfully examined the boy as he clenched his head in his palms, Ben's eyes opened.

Freddy's heart beated fast and hard, nervousness storming inside of him. Ben's eyes were purely bloodshot, the color in his eyes other than red absolutely invisible. Freddy looked away from the horrible sight.

"We have to help him!" Bonnie exclaimed.

Freddy stared at her. "How? He--"

Ben's bloodcurdling scream sounded through the room, creating a chilling vibration. The scream lasted an unnaturally long time.

After around thirty seconds of straight screaming, Ben stopped abruptly. He then started whispering in a seemingly other-worldly voice. "Find us . . . touch the painting . . . before the sun sets . . . discover the truth . . ."

Ben belted out a loud groan before collapsing to the floor, breathing heavy.

Everyone was completely silent.

Freddy's thoughts were exploding. They had to find . . . The painting. Hopefully, it was in the same place. Wait, was it talking about the painting under the school? Hopefully it was that painting, the one with Jonathan. The one that took them into the crazy simulations.

But through all this thinking, Freddy knew one thing.

They would be breaking into the school.

(A/N It was short because I didn't have too much ideas, but hopefully it revealed a bit. Anyways, I wanted to use this A/N to tell you that I'm accepting fanart. Your fanart will be put into future chapters of the final book in this trilogy and maybe future chapters of this book. But you can send me fanart through my kik account, which is HenryHero5852. Or my email, which is henryhero5852@gmail.com. Or you can make a Wattpad post about the fanart and tag me in the post. I'm on Wattpad a lot, so I will get it fairly quickly. Anyways, if you have any questions, feel free to comment! Thank you, and have a lovely day.


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