13: Power

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(Freddy's POV)

His head swarmed with questions.

Every bit of his mind was convulsing with overwhelming questions. Now that he knew some of what was going on, he only had more and more questions. It even hurt his head.

Still, he did know that Jonathan had lost his powers. How had he regained his powers if he had lost them? Something told him he would know eventually, but there was only one matter to be taken care of.


"Chica, how do we defeat this guy?" Freddy asked.

He noticed her heavy breathing, as though all oxygen had been taken from the world. She shivered. "I don't know. I'm the one that gets the visions. Bonnie and Foxy have the powers. Ben . . . transported us here. I don't know if that will help, so Bonnie and Foxy will have to bombard him while we run. I don't know, I'm new to this."

"Foxy did attack Jonathan in the cave a ton. He fled, rocks fell, and--" Freddy started.

Chica stopped him. "Wait, how did you know about what happened in the cave?"

Freddy shrugged. "I was inside of Jonathan as a spirit. He said that he was able to destroy you guys after I was somehow transported into him."

Chica giggled.

"What?" Freddy asked with a questioning glare.

"Sorry, I was just . . ." She cleared her throat, changing the topic back to where it was before. "You said that now that he had you inside him, he could destroy us? That sounds like being possessed by a spirit gave him powers."

"You think that you guys have powers because spirits are residing in you?" Freddy questioned.

Chica shrugged. "Mayb--"

"Such idiots, freeing this . . . boy. You don't know what you're getting into. You can't help them. You can't save them. There is only one who can . . ." Jonathan's voice rang in their ears, as though he were whispering it next to them.

"It's me."

The ground started to shake in a low rumble. It was enough for Freddy and Chica to outstretch their arms to the side.

Then the shaking grew. Their legs felt like jelly as they were soon knocked to their backs, laying in the grassy field.

Freddy's mind trailed to the simulation he had when he touched the painting. When all his friends were trying to jump into the crevice, he tried to save them. He didn't know if he could do that in real life.

He turned to Chica's face, which was clenched in fear. "Chica, we need to run."

She opened her eyes. "Run? While the ground is still shaking?"

Freddy nodded. "I'll help you up."

"Bonnie and Foxy--"

"If they have powers, they can hold off Jonathan. We need to go, Chica." Freddy stared at her. She opened her eyes.

"Chica," he repeated.

He felt her hand grasp into his. She nodded as she pulled herself to her knees, which was a struggle with the shaking ground. Freddy used his free arm to wiggle onto his knees. Immediately, they got up to their feet.

Freddy screamed to Ben, Bonnie, and Foxy, "Destroy him! Make him feel what he did to us!"

He didn't have time to see their reaction, as he turned around with Chica, sprinting across the shaking ground. Jonathan, angered, let the shaking up a bit to scream back to Freddy, "Really?! Freddy, you don't know what's truly going on! You children are imbeciles! I will kill you as well!"

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now