24: A Moment of Truth

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(If you haven't read up to this point in the series, please do. Thank you, love you. -Henry)

(This is the moment you've been waiting for.)

(Bonnie's POV)

Even though she had been put into a simulation by Jonathan, Bonnie felt blissful and at peace.

"Oh my gosh . . ." she whispered to herself. "Am I dead?"

Slowly, she got up. At first, everything around her was a pitch black expanse. She walked forward, wondering what this simulation would have in store for her.

Then, she felt water pool around her feet. Shocked by the sudden sensation, Bonnie looked down. Nothing was there. She couldn't even see her own feet, as though they had camouflaged in with the ground. Still, she felt water all over her feet.

Then, just around her feet, everything began to light up. Bonnie realized that she was barefoot. The light around her feet grew, revealing gorgeous stone walls crawling with ripe grapevines. Then, the light revealed a fountain with water pouring out from its center, which was a tall cobblestone pipe. The place almost looked like a spring.

Bonnie walked forward slowly, taking everything around her in. It was all so beautiful and gorgeous and amazing . . .

She . . . she loved it.

What Bonnie needed to do in this simulation was extremely unclear to her. Why would Jonathan send her to this amazing place?

"What do I do?" she called out. It wasn't very loud, as she didn't see a reason to raise her voice in a place like this.

The light suddenly revealed two large outstretched hands in the wall. Bonnie tilted her head and approached it. Usually simulations were dangerous. This didn't seem dangerous at all.

"Come here, Bonnie . . ." a voice said, deep and soft.

Bonnie was shocked. Who was this? How did they know her name?

"W-where?" she asked, puzzled. "Where do I go?"

The stone hands in the wall began to glow with a hazy bright pink light. "Stand in either hand . . . and partake of the truth."

The truth? What was this simulation about? 

The voice couldn't be Jonathan's. Even though it was deep, it couldn't be changed in any way to sound like Jonathan. 

Bonnie approached the hands, her own hands shaking. She felt so soothed by the atmosphere of the fountain and everything. What was Jonathan planning for her?

Slowly, Bonnie clamored up onto the large finger of the statue, crawling into the palm and standing up. When Bonnie raised her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Everything was completely black. All Bonnie could see was the hand she stood on. Confusion filled her as she looked around the darkness. 

Then, she saw a bright star unfold from the darkness. It started milky and wavy, its light hitting Bonnie directly. She squinted against the light, trying to fight it off. Then, it expanded into a large figure, eventually splitting off into three figures. Bonnie watched as the three figures of light began to take shape.

All three of them turned into more humanized figures. Each one was old, creases of years past cutting into their old skin. They all wore clean beige robes, long white beards draped over the front and hanging from their faces. 

Bonnie was absolutely stunned. "Wh-who are you?" she stuttered.

The man in the middle smiled. "You've met us before," he said.

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