3: What Happened

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Everything was definitely different for Chica.

After Freddy was gone, it broke her heart every time someone asked her, "Where's Freddy?" She never answered. It would break her heart too much to tell them he was dead.

Even though half the school went to his funeral, half of the other half knew, people still had no clue. Chica thought for a moment at her desk, the teacher's voice fully droning out.

Freddy should have definitely been back. With her. With the school. With everyone. How could he somehow get back? Chica didn't know.

She really wanted to wish that something could possibly show her how Freddy died. What could have possibly happened to make him . . . dead.

Chica laid in the soft cushion of a bed she had. She only stared up at the ceiling, wondering and thinking.

Her head started to throb. It was only low, but then it grew to a vicious and unforgiving pounding. She flipped over and buried her head into her pillow, squeezing it right. It didn't help at all.

Soon, the feeling of a dagger going through her arm made her flip over onto her back. She stared up at the ceiling. What was going on?

The ceiling began to glow with a bright circle. The glow intensified, ripping at Chica's eyes. She only stared at the ceiling.

Suddenly, she was forced upward at the ceiling. She feared she would hit, but instead went through it like a portal.

Her vision was black. She could hear the malevolent voice of Jonathan chortle, " . . . if you die in the simulation, you die in real life . . ."

Soon, dark light appeared everywhere. Chica was watching a brunette boy lay down on a scorched surface. When he lifted his head, Chica found that his true identity was Freddy.

Joy filled Chica, stretching to every inch of her body. She wanted to reach out to him and bring him to reality, but she was stuck in place. She was watching him as though she were watching a movie.

Freddy stood up to his feet and looked up. Chica's vision slowly sloped upward as well, revealing a giant volcano.

What was going on?

Freddy stumbled forward and up the volcano. Curiously, Chica's view instantly switched over to the other side of Freddy as he walked up the volcano.

Was this what he was doing in the afterlife? Was this how he died? She was so confused.

After a lot of view switching, Freddy had finally made it to the top of the volcano. What Chica saw at the top horrified her and made her very curious.

There she stood, along with Bonnie and Foxy, holding up a giant pink ball with their own pink beams. 

Bonnie screamed to Freddy, "Please—go! It's—too—dangerous for—you!"

They all looked so decrepit and weak as they struggled to hold up the pink light. Freddy looked around at them, panting.

"Guys," he shouted, "I want to help you!"

Everyone looked at him, pleading for him to go away. Chica herself looked very concerned. What was even going on?

"Let me help you!" Freddy screamed again.

Chica saw her simulation face go red. "No!" Her voice broke down to a small croak. "No, Freddy. Please, go."

To Chica's dismay, everyone was surrounding Freddy now. It was as though they had just completely abandoned their original spots to be with him.

Chica's view was switched closer to the group.

"Freddy," Foxy mumbled, his voice riddled with cracks of sadness. "I am speaking for the real Foxy. Chica and Bonnie are speaking for their real people." His voice suddenly changed, as though he meant to say a different thing. "Freddy, there's only one way you can save us. You want to save us, right?"

Freddy nodded. "I do."

Bonnie softly touched Freddy's hand. "Look down into the lava. Now look up at the ball we were supporting. With each of those powers, we will be able to free ourselves, but you must be the one . . ."

The clingy feeling in the air released, as though returning back to the way it was supposed to be.

Chica watched as they all pulled into the group, hugging each other. She could hear someone saying something, but she didn't exactly understand it through the barely audible voice and the group hug.

Freddy then turned around and looked into the lava. He waited for a moment. Chica's theoretical heart pounded.

Freddy jumped into the volcano, everything going black once more.

The only thing she could think was: "You are a Guardian."

Then, Chica was back on her bed.

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now