5: Pondering

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Chica's POV

The white ceiling glared at Chica as she laid in her bed. She was thinking. Thinking about what she had recently experienced with Freddy's death. That was truly what it had ended with? Freddy's life? Being consumed by lava in a simulation? She sighed. It was hopeless to figure out everything that was going on.

Foxy had told her that he had gained some kind of power.

Bonnie had gained her own superpower.

Chica had seen Freddy's death play out to her like a movie.

And only to be left with the words: "You are a Guardian."

She pondered that for a moment, thinking about what the term Guardian meant. At least in this case. In her head, it made absolutely no sense, any of it. All of it just punched her in the stomach every time she thought about it. What--

Creeaak! Chica looked over at her door grumpy, only to see Toi's red-cheeked face pop in. She stared at her, only to say, "Is something bothering you? Should I go?"

Chica sighed. She had to answer her little sister. "Yeah, I guess so. You can come in if you want." She stared back up at the ceiling, her head lolling to the side.

Toi's face appeared in her vision. "Are you sad?" she asked.

Chica's mouth squeezed to the side as she shook her head. Then she nodded her head. "Yeah. It's just . . . I don't know if you'll believe it."

"I'm a kid! I believe anything." Toi's expression glimmered with happiness.

"Would you believe it if I told you my friends have superpowers and that I'm a Guardian?" Chica said glumly.

Toi laughed. "Okay, maybe not everything. Are you playing a trick on me?" Toi squinted her eyes at Chica.

"No, no! It's just . . ." Chica had to lie if she were to get out of this with Toi's help. "I have a narrative writing assignment in English due and in the story, the main girl's friends all have super powers. I'm trying to think about how a real person would think about that situation. I'm struggling with that."

"You want to make it like real life?" Toi puzzled.

"Yeah," Chica expressed. "Any ideas?"

Toi shrugged. "If I were that main girl, I would have my friends use their superpowers to fight bad guys! Is there a . . . what's it called . . ."

"Describe it for me," Chica insisted.

"Well, it has guys with cool glasses they look through to see things bigger. It does this to their eyes:" Toi reached up to her eyes and made them considerably bigger than their normal size. Chica laughed.

"A mystery?" she proposed.

Toi mused. "Yeah! A myssery! If that's it, then I would have the main girl try to solve the myssery while her friends fight bad people."

"What if they are trying to figure out how to . . . I don't know . . . bring a person back to life?" Chica asked. She suddenly realized that she could possibly try to solve how to get Freddy alive. She wanted to gasp, but she had to let Toi think.

Toi's face brightened. "I think they should find some kind of magical thing that can help them! Does the main girl have any superpowers?"

Chica mused for a moment, thinking about when she had that vision of Freddy and then hearing a thought: You are a Guardian. She answered Toi, "Sprt of. I mean, she can have visions of her destiny, but they don't happen too often."

"How about this? The girl waits for something to happen. Maybe something that can help her bring that person back to life!"

Chica smiled. "Hmm. That might work! Thanks, Toi."

"Are you feeling better?" Toi asked.

Chica nodded. "I am feeling better."

When They Were Lost . . . (Sequel to That Time In 1987. . . .)Where stories live. Discover now