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Veronica POV

Now I know what you're all thinking. How do you go from a freak, to popular, to willingly becoming a freak again? Well sit down, relax, and grab a six pack- because you're damn well gonna need it for this story.

Back in Philadelphia, I was the dark seed in the watermelon. Always picked out, a burden to be messed with. People were annoyed by my presence, so I was always picked out and left on the side of the plastic plate.

I was the freak, the weirdo, the loser. I know I may be making it sound like it was a bad thing, but it wasn't totally bad. There was always this silent longing though. I had always wanted something more, I just didn't know what that could be. I always thought I wanted to be seen, out there, a popular kid if you will, but once you get into that crowd, you realize its all just a cookie cutter, boring, pastel life.

Moving to Hawkins wasn't exactly where I had planned to find that longing. Once my parents went to rehab and lost custody of me, my Aunt Denise decided moving out of the city would be good for me...and it was, don't get me wrong, but Hawkins was the most boring, out dated, piece of shit town i'd ever been in.

Well it seemed that way at first, but that was before I had met them...before little old, finally popular me had even acknowledged their existence.

I'm rambling, I know. Who could these mystery miracles be? Truth is, you've known from the moment you've started reading this story. They were the 'horrible', 'no good', 'waste of space losers'...

They were The Freaks.

THE FREAKS ~ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now