Chapter Sixteen: Denise's Closet

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Veronica POV
"And yeah...he wants me to go to his trailer tonight." I told Chrissy with a grin. Her jaw dropped, a smirk forming on her face as we both stood at her locker.

"No way...are you gonna go?" She asked, excitement in her voice. She then shut her locker, leaning against it while looking at me.

"Duh i'm gonna go! I played it off like I was kind of iffy about it...but i'm actually really excited. Like, I get to meet his uncle, see his room-" I paused, gasping. "I wonder if he will clean his room for me?"

Chrissy gasped. "Because you know it's messy." She laughed, me joining in with her.

"What are you two girls laughin' about?" Jason asked, walking up behind Chrissy and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Chrissy and I looked at each other, laughter stuck in our throats.

"Girl stuff." I lied, causing Chrissy to burst out into laughter. Jason joined in awkwardly, confused by what exactly we found funny.

"Alright- well i'm heading off to practice. I guess i'll see you guys after cheer?" Jason asked, looking between the both of us. Chrissy and I nodded, Jason leaning in to peck her lips. He pulled away then looked at me, giving me a nod.

"Good luck at your first practice, V." He said, flashing me a smile.

I mentally cursed at him.

"Yeah, yeah, go do your basketball stuff." I teased, causing him to shake his head with a laugh before jogging off back to his team.

Chrissy and I laughed before walking off to the auditorium. The cheer squad did practice in there when practice schedules clashed with the basketball team's.

"You're gonna do great." She assured as we walked into the auditorium. I cringed, being prepared for the worst.

Eddie POV
Dustin, Gareth, and I watched Roni's cheer practice from the window of the projection room. I couldn't miss out on this, being that I was honestly proud of her. Plus, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see her being all flexible and shit in a skirt.

"Woah." Gareth gasped in awe as he watched the girls on the stage.

I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder.

"Hey, that's my girl out there. Don't be thinking weird shit." I scolded, turning back to watch Roni on stage. I watched her legs as she did her thing, my eyes slowly trailing up to her skirt.

"Eddie, you got a little uh." Dustin began, wiggling his finger near the corner of his

My eyes immediately went wide.


I immediately looked down at my lap, Dustin's groan of disgust quickly filling the room.

"I was indicating that you were drooling, you perv! Why would I point to my mouth if I was talking about you creaming your pants?!" Dustin asked, his voice in pure disgust.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank fucking god.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Not cool, Dusty-Bun. Not cool." I teased, pushing my hand lightly into his face.

The more I watched Roni throughout practice, I'd realized how good she actually was. She was basically a natural, doing everything just like the other girls were. I also noticed that Chrissy was watching her proudly, obviously thinking the same thing I was about Roni being a natural.

"Eddie? What time were we supposed be out of here again?" Dustin asked, his eyes on his watch.

"4:30...why?" I asked.

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