Chapter Thirty-Five: The Monster

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Veronica POV

It had been hours since the whole fucked up situation with Jason.

Eddie and I were basically walking to nowhere in the woods, Eddie swearing he'd recognized certain landmarks around us. I think he was full of shit, but he seemed certain.

"I swear i've seen that tree before, Roni." Eddie swore, him noticing the distrust in my face.

"We're in the woods, Eddie. There are thousands upon thousands of trees around us." I replied, Eddie rolling his eyes as we continued to walk.

Basically, we were fucking lost.

Everything that had happened in the past day had felt like a total blur. I did everything I could to stop my mind from wandering back to the traumatic events at the lake, but it kept randomly flashing back to me. It scared me.

That could have so easily been Eddie or I instead of Patrick. I don't even know what I would have done if I'd watched Eddie die in front of me...I couldn't bear to think about it. The brutal details made me nauseous.

My heart ached for poor Patrick...he was so fucking sweet. He didn't deserve that to happen to him at all! Patrick had always been so nice to me when we'd talk during lunch. Even though we weren't close, he would constantly check up on me and make sure that my day was okay.

The image of his semi-mangled face continued to flash in my mind, my anxiety causing me to look around in fear. I didn't want to be out here anymore...I just wanted to go home.

"You alright?" Eddie asked, moving closer to me and giving me a worried look. The fear must have been apparent on my face, because he quickly began comforting me, making sure that I was okay.

"Not really...i'm still kind of shaken up." I admitted, the feeling of Jason's knife against my back replaying over and over in my head.

Fuck, I felt like crying.

Eddie sighed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and holding me closer to him as we walked. My nerves began to calm down a bit, the feeling of his embrace making me feel warm and safe inside.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Roni. Trust me, I'm going to do anything and everything I can to keep you safe...even though i'm a fuckin' pussy." He admitted, ending his sentence with a hint of laughter.

I smiled, the sound of his laugh making the uncomfortable feeling that ached inside of me melt away.

I finally looked up from the ground, suddenly gasping at the sight.

"Oh my god, Eddie. It's Skull Rock." I said, Eddie immediately looking into the distance in front of us. Two big boulders sat against each other, the familiar crawlspace in the middle causing my face to flush.

Ah, the memories.

"I told you I recognized that tree." Eddie teased, his pace quickening. I snorted, shaking my head at his stupid comment. We quickly approached the rock, Eddie walking me into the crawlspace and sitting me down on the ground.

Eddie then sat down beside me, pulling out the soaked walkie from his back pocket. He began pressing a bunch of buttons, the walkie not giving him anything in return.

"God damn it! Piece of shit." Eddie cursed, throwing the broken walkie onto the ground in front of him. He then covered his face with his hands, taking a deep breath for a moment as I rested my head on his shoulder to comfort him. He looked over at me with a small sigh, wrapping his arm around me and holding me close to him.

We were both sitting in silence for a moment, Eddie eventually speaking up.

"Look, we probably only have a few more hours until sunrise...I want you to get some sleep, okay?" He spoke, looking over at me for a reaction.

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