Chapter Nine: Nikki Sixx Type Of Feeling

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Veronica POV

"I'm just never enough for him you know? God, he is such a loser!" Tiffany complained as we walked into Chem. She continued to rant as we walked to our seats, but instead of listening, I was keeping an eye out for Eddie.

I knew he wouldn't be in this class yet because he somehow always manages to be late. I smiled to myself as I noticed he wasn't there yet. He'll be here a few seconds after the bell rings per usual.

"Are you even listening to me?" Tiffany asked, sitting down at her desk and snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Uh Yeah! Chance being annoying, him thinking you're the problem...go on." I said, sitting down next to her and pulling out my notebook.

"Hm. Anyways...He just keeps testing me! I swear i'm gonna end up breaking up with him soon." She continued. I just drowned her out with thoughts of Eddie and the Hellfire club.

Finally, the bell rang. I immediately looked at the door, ignoring the rest of Tiffany's rant.

And exactly 15 seconds into class, Eddie and Jeff rushed in. Eddie immediately looked at me, a big, cheeky smile forming on his face. He looked back at Mr. Jones, making up yet another bullshit excuse as to why he was late to class.

"Spare me. Just sit down, boys." Mr. Jones grumbled.

Eddie and Jeff walked to their seats, making lots of noise as they sat down. Once the teacher finally began his lecture, Tiffany shut up and began doodling in her notebook, which bought me some time to do whatever I wanted without being annoyed by her constant ranting about Chance. By doing whatever I wanted, I meant freely looking at Eddie.

This whole thing was weird, I know. I feel like its kinda just a thing for us now if that makes sense. Like who can look the longest without catching each other or some shit...I don't know.

"Now, can anybody tell me what they think of when they think about Chemistry?" Mr. Jones asked. Eddie immediately looked back at me, a smirk forming on his face.

Oh god.

"Come on, give me a show of hands." Mr. Jones ordered. A few hands raised, but I didn't pay attention to that. Instead, I was holding my breath as Eddie's eyes trailed my body up and down, leaving me a little surprised at his bold move.

As his eyes moved back up to mine, he smirked again, probably noticing how flustered I was at his actions. He then turned around and raised his hand, leaning back in his seat so that the chair was on its hind legs.

What the fuck is he doing? Why is he raising his hand?

Mr. Jones' eyes caught the smirking Eddie raising his hand, and before he called on him, he hesitated.


His smirk grew bigger as he put all four chair legs back on the floor. He leaned over his desk a little bit, resting his arms in front of him on the desk and clasping his hands together.

"Well, when I think of Chemistry I think of general attraction...or sexual interest. Human Chemistry if you will." Eddie replied, the smirk not leaving his face. A few people turned to whisper at each other, saying a few things like 'Who would want him like that?' or 'Of course he of all people would say that.'

But me? My reaction? I was frozen. A knot at the pit of my stomach formed and my heart began to beat at a thousand miles per hour.

"Well...yes." The teacher said, shaking his head before calling on other people who mentioned things like 'reactions' or 'chemical balance'.

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