Chapter Forty-Two: Man-Made Bombs And Sincere Apologies

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Veronica POV

"Yeah and if you look just up that hill there, that's where Erica and I talked to Suzie to get Planck's constant." Dustin explained to Steve, all of us trailing behind them in the empty field. It was actually really pretty out here, trees surrounding it and making it hidden. I would have never known this was out here if it wasn't for Dustin.

"Yeah, I remember. When you and Suzie almost ended the world? Kind of hard to forget." Steve said flatly, Dustin shooting him a glare.

Who the fuck is Suzie? And how did her and Dustin almost end the world? I really need this stuff written's hard to keep up.

"At least now we know what song to sing if Dustin gets cursed." Robin teased, Dustin's cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I looked over at Eddie to see if he had any clue what they could be talking about, but he was just looking right back at me with the same look of confusion. I sighed.

"What are we even talking about?" Eddie asked, Max and Lucas immediately turning to each other with a smirk.

Dustin went wide eyed.

"No, no, no- don't you dare-"

"Turn around, look at what you seeeeee." Max and Lucas began singing terribly in unison. Eddie looked at me with a smirk, amused at the Never Ending Story theme song.

"Gah-" Dustin groaned, throwing his face into his hands. Eddie wrapped an arm around his shoulder, shaking him a bit with amusement.

"You never told me this was your favorite song." Eddie commented, Dustin shaking his head.

"It's not, it's Suzie's." Dustin explained, finally taking his hands off of his face. Robin smirked, letting out a small laugh before speaking.

"Seemed like your favorite song when the both of you belted your hearts out to it during the last few minutes of the world." Robin teased, Eddie's face lighting up in amusement.

Dustin quickly spoke up. "I had to sing it to get the constant, alright! Now shut up and let's build this shit." Dustin grumbled, dropping his supplies onto the ground.

"I hope you know I'm not letting this go." Eddie smirked, patting Dustin's shoulder and raising his eyebrows. Dustin rolled his eyes, shrugging Eddie's hand off of his shoulder in annoyance.

"Nobody has, Edward. You're a little late." Dustin grumbled, his words causing me to choke on my spit.


Eddie's face went bright red and he immediately turned around to face me. I tried my best to hide my amusement, everyone watching humorously to see how this conversation would unfold.

"Don't say one word." Eddie said to me sternly, lifting up his finger as he spoke.

Oh, but I wanted to so bad.

"I'm not...I'm not," I began, shaking my head and trying to hold back my laughter. Inside I was dying...and I just couldn't fucking help myself. "...Edward."

"God fucking damn it. See what you did, Henderson? I'm gonna fucking kill you." Eddie cursed, turning around and glaring at Dustin. Dustin shot him a smug smile as everyone around us broke into laughter, including myself.

"Just radiating the same energy." Dustin teased, Eddie obviously really pissed. I honestly found it funnier that he wanted to keep it a secret from me though, it was cute.

"Alright. So lets all get into groups and spread out across the field...lets have Eddie and Dustin nailing the trashcan lids over there, Max help Nancy do her uh...gun thing over there, Lucas and Erica make the spears over there, and Veronica, you're gonna help Robin and I make the bombs right here." Steve explained, pointing to every area and causing me to mentally groan. Right now, I'd much rather be with Eddie and Dustin. I was still kind of embarrassed for what went down with Steve at Eddie's trailer earlier.

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