Chapter Three: All Eyes On Chem Boy

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Veronica POV
"Anndd here we are." Tiffany said, walking me up to her lunch table. Everyone at the table smiled at us and gave us a wave.

"And who might this be?" A boy asked, looking me up and down with a smirk. I began to get a little uncomfortable, but I didn't let it show.

"Andy don't be such a dog!" Tiffany began, rolling her eyes then smiling at me. "Veronica this is Andy, Chance, Jason, Chrissy, Lucas, and Patrick. Everyone, this is Veronica. She's new here." She made sure to point at every singular person as she said their name, making it easier for me to know who's who.

Tiffany sat on a boys lap. I'm pretty sure it was Chance? Whoever the guy was, she left me standing alone next to the table, looking awkward as shit.

"Hi, Veronica. I'm Chrissy." The blonde girl spoke with a smile. She motioned for me to come sit next to her, her big smile never fading. I gave her a small smile and sat next to her, setting my bag down on the floor next to me. Her boyfriend, Jason, also flashed me a smile, putting his arm around her shoulder and looking at me.

"So where you coming from, Veronica?" He asked, everyone at the table turning to look at me.

"Philadelphia." I replied, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

" a city girl, huh? What brings you all the way out here?" Andy asked, taking a bite of his cafeteria mashed potatoes.

Well fuck. Do I really wanna tell people this so soon?

"Well, uh...I moved here with my Aunt for family reasons. It's a long story really." I sputtered, not really enjoying this small talk conversation.

"Well i've got ti-" Andy began with a smirk, Tiffany hitting him on the shoulder before he could finish. He gave her a 'what?' look as Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Well we're glad you're here, Veronica." Chrissy said with a smile, giving me a small nod.

"Hey Jason! Come here for a sec." Chance said, looking through some notebook about basketball positions or something. Jason gave Chrissy a smile and kissed her on the cheek softly before getting up and looking at Chance's notebook.

All of a sudden, the whole cafeteria went silent.

"As long as you're into band!!!! Or partiessss." Someone yelled. Everyone in the Cafeteria looked over to see the guy from my Chem class...the uh, the curly haired guy. He was standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria, making a huge scene over something.

"Or a GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!!" He yelled, looking right at our table.  Everyone began yelling 'loser' at the boy before Jason yelled back at him.

"You want something, Freak?" Jason called out, all eyes still on Chem boy.

All of a sudden, the boy raised his hands up to his head to make horns and stuck out his tongue, making zombie-like noises. My jaw dropped, not in shock, but in humor. Just as everyone began talking like normal again, I made eye contact with the boy as he slowly dropped his hands and gave me a smirk.

"Prick." Jason cursed under his breath, looking back at Chance's notebook.

The boy walked down his table, shouting once more as he jumped off.

"That's what's KILLING THE KIDS!!" He yelled, scaring a teacher walking past.

I held in my laughter, looking down and shaking my head.

"That was...something." Chrissy said, laughing a bit. I looked at her and laughed too, causing Jason to roll his eyes.

He walked over and sat back down next to Chrissy, glaring over at his table again.

"That guy, Munson, he's a douche. I've never met someone with as much nerve as him." Jason said, glancing over at me.

"Yeah, he kept staring at V and I during Chem today. It's like he is planning some weird cult shit with his followers." Tiffany joked, causing the boys to laugh.

I looked over at Lucas who sat across from me. I noticed he kept peeking behind himself towards the 'freak' table. He was also the only one of the boys who didn't seem interested in their jokes about..Munson? Is that his name?

"Don't worry, Veronica. They aren't actually a cult. Tiffany just likes to joke." Andy said with a laugh. I'm guessing I looked confused about Lucas and they thought I was confused about Munson's 'cult'.

I laughed along with them, trying to get this conversation over with.

Once the conversation finally changed, I looked over to Munson's never-boring table again. This time he was jumping around and running towards the other side of the cafeteria. I smiled a bit then noticed Lucas, who was also glancing back at the table with me.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Looks like i'm not the only one playing pretend at this table today.

I sighed as my stomach silently growled. I would have gotten food for lunch, but Tiffany stopped me before I could make that mistake. 'Are you seriously thinking about eating at school? What're you crazy?'

I could still hear her laugh echoing in my brain as she dragged me to the table to meet her friends.

How am I crazy for wanting to eat lunch?

I decided to brush it off as the bell rang for 6th period.

"Hey, V. We aren't in the same class this period, but you have history with Mr. T. It's I can't remember." Tiffany said, her eyes widening sarcastically at me before she looked over at Andy.

"Oh- yeah- right. Yeah, I have this class with you actually. So does Chrissy. You can uh...walk with us." Andy stammered, Chrissy gasping with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! You can sit next to me and Andy! It'll be so fun." She said, her face lighting up. I nodded, excited to sit with Chrissy, but not really looking forward to sitting with Andy.

I could already tell he was a jerk face from the moment he first spoke to me. Plus, I know he wants to get in my pants. That was absolutely not happening...especially not with him.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the Cafeteria with Chrissy and Andy, finally having a breath of fresh air because Tiffany wasn't with us critiquing my every move.

Eddie POV
"Dude I still can't believe you pulled that stunt to get her attention...and I can't believe it worked!" Dustin blabbered, obviously doubting my amazing skills of getting people's attention.

"And why wouldn't it work, Henderson? I can literally sense the kind of girl she is...I know what interests her! And right now, that interest is me baby!" I exclaimed, doing a little dance as I walked out of the cafeteria.

I suddenly paused, remembering what other sight i'd seen.

Dustin and Mike quickly stopped behind me, obviously surprised by my sudden stop.

"And you know who sat across from her, boys?"

They stayed silent.

"Yeah, your buddy Lucas. You two are gonna fix that! Ya got that? Now go find those fuckin' subs!" I advised, grabbing their shoulders and giving them a little nudge in the opposite direction I was going.

They both nodded and hurried off.

THE FREAKS ~ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now