Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Portal Under The Lake

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Veronica POV

Lovers Lake. Sounds nice, calm, relaxing...Not a place you'd expect so much chaos, right?

I cringed as I walked through the arch of trees that Eddie and I had originally fled through, my heart beating out of my chest as I searched around for the mangled body of poor Patrick; Jason's half dead one possibly lurking around somewhere.

But to my surprise, Lovers Lake was empty. Not one person in sight. The lake houses looked abandoned, no lights on or people seeming to be inside of them. They must have fled because of the dead fucking body in the lake.

"You okay?" Eddie whispered to me, gently placing his hand on my shoulder. I finally snapped out of my thoughts, nodding lightly as I looked over at his worried face.

Eddie then wrapped his arm around me, his grip firm against the side of my arm. He slowly moved it up and down, trying his best to comfort me as he gently kissed the top of my head.

God, I love him.

"Alright, so. We goin' swimming or what?" Steve asked, looking around at everyone as he put his hands on his hips.

"Looks like it." Nancy breathed, obviously not looking forward to getting into the cold lake water.

"Actually uh, my buddy, Rick, has a boat in his shed. He lives right up the lake there." Eddie began, pointing to a small house across the lake. "He'd be fine with us using it...probably. I mean, he's in jail right now. What's he gonna do? Stop us?"

"He could find out, call his scary jail buddies and have us all murdered." Robin suggested casually, everyone looking over at her in shock.

I mean, she's not wrong.

"What?" She asked, confusion in her voice.

Everyone just shook their heads, looking back over to the lake house in the distance.

"Alright, well hopefully his scary jail buddies are nice, cause we gotta go." Dustin said, squeezing between Eddie and I and beginning to walk towards the lake.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you're going Mr. Smarty Pants?" Steve asked Dustin, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from going any farther.

Dustin gave him a small glare.

"Where does it look like I'm going? I'm going to Rick's." Dustin replied in a duh tone.

Steve snorted.

"Yeah, no. You'll sink us, Henderson. Kids stay here." Steve spoke, groans coming from Dustin, Max, and Lucas.

"Come on, that's bullshit! We want to help." Lucas protested, Dustin nodding in agreement.

"Yeah! I literally figured this shit out and you're going to leave me here?! You guys are here because of me, you realize that, right?!" Dustin added in annoyance.

Nancy then let out a small sigh, turning to the kids and giving them a sympathetic smile.

"It's actually for the best guys...we don't want to put you guys in more danger than you already are. Stay here and keep watch, okay?" Nancy said, Dustin rolling his eyes.

"Fine. But just know late signals are coming your way. Good luck finding a place to hide in the middle of the lake when the cops have already fucking spotted you." Dustin asserted, Eddie rolling his eyes.

"Do that and you're dead, Henderson." Eddie said with a smug smile, beginning to walk with us around the lake.

"Do that and you're dead, Henderson." Dustin mocked, rolling his eyes and walking back into the woods with Lucas and Max.

THE FREAKS ~ Eddie MunsonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя