Chapter Thirty-Eight: Chrissy's Gate

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Veronica POV

"Jesus H. Christ!! I told you we shouldn't have jumped in!! I told you!!" Eddie ranted beside me, annoyed at the fact that Steve and I were now injured.

During the fight with the bats, one of the stupid fuckers bit a gash into my shoulder. It wasn't that bad, Eddie was just overdramatic. Steve on the other hand, shit. He definitely needed stitches. He had bite marks on the side of his stomach and all up and down his right leg. It was really bad, he could barely walk.

"Eddie, you're really not helping calm my nerves. I mean, what if he has rabies?! Do bats carry rabies?!" Robin asked frantically as Nancy bandaged up Steve's bat bites with fabric from her shirt.

Honestly, I wish they would both shut the fuck up. We had no idea how the fuck we were going to even get out of here! I just needed to think...I needed quiet.

"I don't have rabies, Robin." Steve snapped, grunting as Nancy wrapped the fabric tightly around his wounds. "Fuck..."

Robin bit the inside of her cheek. "Well you definitely have the snappy symptom, but you're not foaming from the mouth yet so I guess we're good for now." She breathed, looking around at the dark scenery of alternate Hawkins.

Steve shook his head slightly, standing up straight as Nancy finished tying up the fabric.

"You sure you don't want anything?" Nancy asked me as she stood up. I nodded, the bite on my shoulder not even bothering me.

"So uhh, how do we plan on getting out of here? That gate at the lake is guarded by way we'd make it out through there." Eddie spoke, looking around at everyone, desperate for an answer.

"The only other gate I can think of is the lab...or the one that Joyce closed." Nancy sighed, everyone going deep into thought.

"What about the Creel House? Isn't that like a huge gate?" Steve asked, Robin immediately shaking her head no.

"None of Vecna's victims died there, therefore there's no gate. Did you not listen to Dustin?" Robin added, a lightbulb immediately flashing above my head.

God, we were so fucking stupid.

"Chrissy's gate." I finally spoke, everyone looking over at me. "Patrick wasn't the only one who got killed by Vecna. Chrissy died in Eddie's trailer. If we could just get there...maybe the gate's still there."

Everyone looked at each other, as if they felt like absolute idiots. We've literally known our way out all along, we were just too shaken up to realize.

"How far is your trailer from here?" Nancy asked Eddie, him thinking for a moment.

"Like a mile or two." He finally answered, Nancy nodding with a slight smile.

"Lets go then. We'll go back to reality, make a plan, gear up, and come back down here prepared." Nancy summed up with a smile, giving us a small nod before beginning to walk. Robin and I immediately walked after her, not wanting to waste anymore time.

"We're coming back here? As in the place with the flesh eating bats?! No thank you." Eddie said, Steve patting him on the shoulder and shaking his head.

"Come on, Munson. You can whine about it later." Steve told him as he began walking with a limp, Eddie rolling his eyes as the both of them caught up to us. Eddie then held my hand, the warmth of his skin causing shivers to go down my spine.

"You know, Roni. Watching you fight those demon bats in Mordor was like...really fucking hot." Eddie teased, nudging my side a bit with his elbow. A humored smile formed on my face, his stupid commentary never failing to cheer me up.

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