Chapter Fourteen: The Detention Slip

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Eddie POV
I walked to the bathroom, just going there to get out of class. I walked in and froze, seeing Jason at one of the urinals.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head before walking a few urinals down and unzipping my pants and taking a piss.

Please don't let this be the time Jason decides to be a dick. I imagined all of the scenarios, Jason finishing up and punching me, shoving me, just wanting to start something for no reason.

Well, today there was a reason. I told off his little bitch friend today at lunch for Roni. Jason was probably angry, being that I, a freak, shouldn't talk to Mr. Basketball team that way.

I finished up and zipped up my jeans, beginning to hurry up and walk out.

That was, before Jason stopped me.

"Hey, Eddie right?"

Jesus fucking christ.

I slowly turned around, making eye contact with Jason.

"Why are you talking to me?" I replied, an almost rude tone in my voice. I mean, look. If he was gonna hit me, better just speed up the process, am I right?

"Look, I just wanted to thank you..for sticking up for Veronica today at lunch. I mean, I see that girl as a little sister. Although we don't really see eye to eye, I really appreciate it man. Thanks again." Jason said, I kind of smiled as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

Was this a joke? Not gonna lie I was prepared for a bunch of jocks to come out and gang bang me or some shit.

I almost laughed. Nah, they wouldn't do that. Their masculinity is too fragile.

"Yeah, uh. No problem." I replied, still being prepared for the worst.

But instead Jason just gave me a nod, walking by and patting my shoulder twice before walking out.

I turned around and watched the door close, confused as shit.

I took a deep breath and looked around again. I mean, maybe Jason wasn't so bad after all. To Roni of course, not me. I like that he cares about her and watches out for her.

But there was still one thing that rung in my mind.

Was the rumor that Andy spread about Roni true?

I immediately walked out of the bathroom, trying to remember where my locker was. To be honest, I haven't been in there since my freshman year, which is an extremely long time being that i've been held back twice.

Once I finally found it, I tried to pry it open, but it was no use. I didn't even try to remember the code, that was no use either.

"Eddie Munson?" I heard the familiar voice of Mrs. Principal Murphy say.

I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again. "Fuck." I mumbled to myself before turning around to be greeted by her fake smile.

"What are you doing out of class? Again?" She asked, that same stupid smile on her face.

"Viewing the world from a new perspective." I joked, letting go of my locker and walking over to her with a nod.

She shook her head and pulled out her notepad.

That's when an idea popped into my head.

As she wrote me the detention, I quickly grabbed it and ran down the hall.

"Don't run in the halls, Munson!" She yelled behind me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just in such a hurry to get back to class, Principal Murphy!" I yelled back, turning around and flashing her a big smile before turning the corner and running back into class.

THE FREAKS ~ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now