Chapter Twelve: Skull Rock

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Veronica POV
"I wanna hear more about that boy!" Denise pried, begging me to tell her more about Eddie as we ate dinner. She had cooked a mediocre meatloaf which she'd called famous. It wasn't all she made it out to be, but I didn't have the heart to tell her that.

"There's nothing to say!" I replied, not interested in having the boy talk conversation right now.

"Well, Veronica. Just promise me you're being safe. If you ever need condoms or birth control-"

"Aunt Denise!" I cut her off, going wide eyed and standing up with my half empty plate.

How embarrassing. I didn't need my Aunt going to Mevald's looking to buy condoms for her freshly 18 year old niece. It was embarrassing enough living with my aunt, why would I want her being seen buying those types of things? Especially for me? I can get it on my own if I need it, thank you very much.

"I'm just saying!" She lectured as I scraped my leftovers into the trash and put my dirty plate in the sink. I turned around and looked at her, annoyed by the fact that she couldn't mind her own business.

"Aunt Denise, I'm not having sex! I'm a virgin, Eddie's a friend, end of story." I told her, genuinely telling the truth. Honestly, if I were having sex, I would tell her if she asked. She was chill and helpful, but so fucking annoying when she didn't need to be. Also, I didn't even wanna hook up with Eddie! I wanted our friendship to stay exactly the way it was.

"How do you expect me to believe that when boys are sleeping in your bed? Huh?" She asked, standing up and shrugging her shoulders argumentatively.

I clenched my jaw. She was acting like I was being a total slut!

"Boy, Aunt Denise. One! He had no where else to go!" I argued, lying about the situation to try and end this without me looking like a total whore.

Aunt Denise went quiet for a moment.

"Well if Eddie needed a place to stay, you could have asked me about it. We have a perfectly fine guest bedroom down the hall from you." She said calmly, an angry tone still lingering in her voice.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk upstairs. "Fine." I huffed, running up to my room and turning on the light, only to be startled by a face in my window.

I gasped before noticing it was Eddie. He gave me a small wave and pointed towards the window lock, obviously wanting to come in.

I quickly shut my door, my heart beating at a million miles per hour. If Aunt Denise knew he was here right now, she'd be having a total bitch fit.

I hurried over to the window, quickly opening it for him. Instead of crawling in, he stayed crouched down on the branch, smiling at me as I crouched down across from him from inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying my hardest to be quiet so that Denise wouldn't hear.

Eddie bit the inside of his cheek, resting his arms over the window still. "I was just passing through." He said with a shrug, giving me a sly smirk.

I mentally rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood for this right now.

"And the real reason?" I asked, my voice in a soft whisper. Eddie finally caught on, whispering with me.

"Well uh...I wanted to take ya somewhere. I got a couple of campaign ideas I wanna go over with you." He admitted, an unsure tone in his voice.

I smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You sure that's why you want me to go somewhere with you? I mean, technically i'm not even a real member of Hellfire so..." I teased.

"First off, you are a real member of hellfire. Second, yeah, I lied. I just wanted you to come with me. Would you me the honor? Please?" He begged, sticking his bottom lip out at me.

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