Chapter 5: Quicksand

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"¡Dímelo, manín! ¡NOS FUUUIIIIIIMOOOOOS!" (Hey, man! We're gooooooneee!) yelled Rubio to the Dominican fellows at the end of the hall.

"Oye, Rubio, ¿di que pasate?" (Hey, Rubio, did you pass?) asked on them

"Pues, seguro, manín! Pa' 10 es la que hay! Mera, woooo" (Well, for sure, man! I'm headed to 10th! Hey, yoooo!)  Rubio answered excitingly. He grabbed his locker door and slammed it hard twice.

One kid did the same, then another, then another...until the entire hall was filled with echos of slamming doors and laughing teenagers.

"I'd say he found out about the news. What do you think officer?" Principal Clark said holding a pack of folders in her crossed arms, standing next to Street at the far end of the hallway.

Street shook his head in pure embarrassment as he saw his kid had started the whole mess with the locker doors. Now teachers tried to contained it, but it was too late! The teens were now playing tag the lockers, being directed by none other that his kid. 

"May I?" Street said wanting to put a choke hold on his own kid for embarrassing him like this. Principal Clark had received him with such beautiful words about his kid, he almost got teary eyes! ...but now his own was starting the problem! Geez!

"Do the honors." Principal Clark responded gesturing with her head

"Thank you ma'am." he frowned and went in. The jungle of music blasting, door slamming, gum chewing, kids screaming, etc...wasn't intimidating to the SWAT officer at all!

In one motion , he grabbed Rubio and swung him to the side. "Can you please stop embarrassing me?"

"Pops? What are you doin  here?" the kid asked between smiles.

Two hours passed, and Jim was glad they were finally excused from the meeting. It had been long and redundant, but positive. The school required an individual parent-teacher meeting for all students in the Special Ed program at the end of the school year. Since Chris was still in out, the court authorized Jim to go on behalf of her. He was suppose to report to her and together present a report to Judge Rodgers.

"Yeeeahhh, pops! I gonna be in ten grade!"said Rubio placing both hands up in triumph

Street smiled, relieved. He felt a huge weight off his shoulders. He knew how important it was for the kid to pass the grade, especially because of Judge Rodgers. He knew that could impact Chris as well...after all, her name is the first one on the papers!

"Hey!" Jim extended his fist, but the kid jumped on him, giving him a huge hug

"Thank you, pops! U saved me from the homeless and the jail. Thank you!"he said excited

Jim just smiled and hugged him. He was glad the kid was finally in the right path.

But...he kept thinking about what comes next. If Alex and his associates get the Petersons to drop the charges, his guardianship is over.  With Chris away in camp and nothing to tie them together, he's going to have a hard time convincing the judge to give him full guardianship. But... what if his recent turn around was enough? The kid did pass the grade and never ran away(not that the court knows, anyway!). But...what if guardianship wasn't enough? Street really wanted to be part of the kid's life...not just in paper or for courts. Guardianship wasn't official enough for him!

But...would the court actually consider him a suitable father? There hadn't been enough time between the last time the judge checked his records and now. Plus even with him being perfect in his job and no tickets or anything in his record, the judge for sure wouldn't recommend him in Family Court. What he feared the most was that if Rubio went back to the system, he would give up and turn to run. He just knew it!

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