Chapter 22: Ray of sunshine

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One second. Two seconds...three...four...five...Nothing.

Jaw clinched shut. Palms sweating. Eyes watering. Knees trembling. Heart beating fast.

The rest? Fearing the worst! In all the years they have worked together they had never seen their leader like that. Never had they seen that look of fear in his face. But...there's always a first time!

"Hondo?" Deacon called, softly and carefully approaching him. He put a hand on Hondo's healthy shoulder and situated himself face to face. "Hondo?"

He finally snapped, tilting his head slightly to the side. He stared at Deacon. He opened his mouth but it was so dry, not sound came from the friction of his vocal chords. A slight shiver went through his body as he shook softly and bowed his head. 

"Hey! Hey!" called Deacon, placing his other hand carefully on the injured shoulder. He straightened his boss up, feeling fear strike his spine. Both men stared at each other for a second. "It's ok. Just breathe!" He nodded slowly, as Hondo tried to breath normally again.

The other three just stood frozen, not believing what was happening in front of their eyes.

One second. Two seconds...three...four...five...

"It's... never gonna... happen, D. Never!"  Hondo said shaking his head slowly, before turning away. He took a step back loosening Deacon's grip on his shoulder and began walking away, head down. Deacon and the rest just frowned, puzzled.

Luca immediately stepped in front of him "Hondo, what happened? What are you talking about?"

Tan, Luca and Street all took steps forward, now surrounding the two figures in the side of the hallway.

"Just" Hondo shook his head and gesture for them to get out of his way, "Leave me alone"

The officers looked at each other, not knowing what to do, still puzzled. Deacon took a deep breath and nodded to each of them, as all stepped aside. Hondo hung his head and quietly left their presence. The others just stared as he went down the hall and took a left turn.

"What happened?" Street asked

"Whatever it was, he's devastated." Tan said

"Damn, bro!" Luca lamented

"I think I know who to call to find out." Deacon said. While he went to place a hand on Hondo's shoulder, he glanced at the screen of his mobile. He recognized the number on it: Detective Valley. "It's probably not good at all!"

"What's going on?" Luca asked him

Deacon took another deep breath and exhale dramatically. Suddenly, he had an idea. He turned towards the exit, saying, "I'll get to the bottom of this. Call you later!" 



"Wait! Where'd he go?" Tan asked lost

"Hold up, guys! It's Terry!" announced Luca as he took out his phone and stared at the screen. "Please let this be good news. I can't take more angst!"

Tan and Street stared at him as he clicked on the screen.

"What's up, bro?"

"Thank you! Than you! Thank you! Oh my God, Dom! I love you bro. I really do!" said an excited Terry. Luca frowned puzzled, as he stared back at the others. He pulled the cell away and clicked on the speaker.

"What happened, Terry?"

"You'll never guess! A lady from a huge chain of restaurants called me for an interview. I'm pretty much in, bro! No more measly photo shoot or driving for hours for some cheap gig! This is huge!" Luca smiled as the others cheered in mute

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