Chapter 15: Exploration

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Before leaving, Connor called them one last time and insisted they each take a backpack with the basics for exploration: flashlights, a serrated knife, bottle of water and first aid kit. Deacon reminded them of leaving a trail to come back using the red flags and to not play with any snakes or weird looking insects. Both men gave direct orders as to the limit of the space to explore and made it clear they had 40 minutes. The rules were clearly presented, especially to Rubio, who still wore his ankle monitor.

Once the were finally free they went through the thick of the woods down the hill towards the lake. The younger boys walked side by side, with the map provided by Connor. They were eager and excited, for they observed everything around them. The teenagers walked more relaxed, as they talked and picked on leaves or rocks. Rubio was the more animated of the four, as he continued to pick on rocks and throw them aimlessly. Calvin and Matthew were farther back and Parker was wider to the side, picking on flowers and leaves.

As the boys continue to walk, they went through the woods and found themselves on an edge, overlooking the lake and the other side of the forest. The younger boys had continued farther up front, skipping and hoping over big rocks and boulders. Sammy was the one in charge of planting the small red flags along the way, marking their path. However, the boy stopped frozen when he noticed his bag was suddenly empty of flags.

"Matthew, do you have more flags?" he called from ahead. Matthew who was still playing around with Calvin and Rubio, nodded his head and offered his bag to his brother. The boy came running towards him with great enthusiasm.

"Take it" he said, not wanting to carry the bag at all.

"Ok. Hey Spence!" Sammy called. Spencer came running in and bumped into him. The two youngsters giggled as Sammy took the flags into his hands and handed the satellite phone to his friend. "Here! Take this so I can carry Matthew's bag."

"Ok" said the boy swinging his backpack and placing the phone in.

The group continued walking alongside the edge until the path turned towards the woods again. Just as they turned, Rubio thought he spotted something in the far end of the bank, to the other side of the lake, between where the small hills met. It was the same red light he saw before, but he was still clueless as to what it was. He shrugged it off as he noticed everyone kept walking and he was left alone.

"So, how long til you get that thing off your ankle?" Matthew asked when Rubio joined the group.

The boys continued through thick trees, filled with vines. They stepped over leaf covered ground, puddles of water, fallen branches, etc.

"I don't know. Pops not tell me when I see the judge." he said, shrugging

"Are you like under arrest or something? What'd you do?" Calvin asked curiously

"Yeah. They say house arrest. I cut a guy."

"Why?" Parker asked, suddenly interested in the conversation

"He want to touch my b*lls"

"Woah! That's messed up, man!" Calvin reacted surprised, then paused remembering, "In my school there were rumors about a teacher sleeping with a senior. Guy was fired!"

"Yeah, in my church one of the pastors suddenly left and many said it was because he was touching two of the boys taking Bible studies on Saturday mornings." Parker reported

"Sounds sick." Rubio said disgusted

"What happened to the dude you cut?" Calvin asked

"Nothing. He got money. He took my passport and documents, beat me. I ran but he get me. Put me in a cage in the garage for a week. Gave me crackers and water! Horrible!"

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