Chapter 4: Them

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"It's her! Chris!"Street announced excited

All three adults gathered around the mobile, as Street clicked on the screen. The display showed her in her SWAT uniform jacket resting her back against a white wall. She was looking straight to her left.

"Hey, babe" Street answered as Sarzo and Helena joined the excitement, which quickly faded when she didn't even move.

"You ok?"asked Street

Silence. She was frozen. No one in the audience had an idea of what or who she was looking at.

"Amor, no pasa nada. (My love, nothing's wrong.) We love you, okay?" Helena said softly, breaking the awkward silence. Chris took a quick peak at the screen, then continue to stare to her left.

"It's ok, Chris." Sarzo added. Again, she peaked and returned to her stare.

Street bit his lip, frozen. He couldn't believe she was about to tell them she failed the sergeant's exam, after everything she had done! She had been cramming up rules, regulations, orders, cases, etc. for day! At times getting just an hour of sleep between shifts. There was way!


She looked to her side as a male voice was heard saying something, to which she answered nodding her head various times. She seemed to be holding the phone with one hand because through the screen the spectators caught a glimpse of the envelop and paper she held on the other hand.



Suddenly, a loud sound of a door slammed was heard. Chris turned to face the camera...

30 minutes later, HQ...

"...and the thieves walked away with about a hundred million dollars worth of-"Hicks stopped as the young officer came rushing in."Glad you could join us, Street! About damn time!" he said clearly, annoyed.

5 minutes late. Damn! The entire room stared at him as he came running in, still breathing hard, in his casuals and backpack on his back. He hung his head in embarrassment as he tried to avoid the stares. Hicks continued with the briefing as the his teammates shot glares at him occasionally. By the end, the commander was ready for assignments.

", are we clear? We got 4 hours to come up with a plan for a secure breach, removal and apprehension of the suspects. Before the train arrives we'll have patrol secure the area of any pedestrians. We must take into account that the perps might grab passengers in the train as potential hostages. So, let's resort to non lethals first. 50 Squad will cover the first half, 20 Squad the other."

Hicks paused, turning to Hondo, "Hondo, you will work with me as we guide them using the security cameras in the station."he paused again, this time turning towards Deacon, "Deacon, take Powell and cover the last four cars."

He took a step forward and positioned himself in the middle of the squad, with Hondo, Deacon and Luca to his left and Tan and Street to his right.

"Deacon, work with Hondo and the new officer. Make sure all angles are secured!"

"Yes, sir" both men answered nodding in symphony.

Hicks took a deep breath, placed his hands inside his pockets and stood looking at the officers. A full three seconds went by. Awkward silence.

"Are we good? Anybody got anything else to say?"

The officers stood silent, looking at each other puzzled. They turned their heads to each other, shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders.

"Yes." Street said breaking the silence, "I would like to say something." he said swinging his backpack off one of his shoulders.

He was received by frowns, as he took a step to his left, now positioning himself closer to the commander.

"Alright, officer. Go ahead" instructed Hicks crossing his arms over his chest

 Street took a glance at Hondo and Deacon, and then turned his entire body towards Hicks. "I have some bad news for Sergeant Harrelson and Sergeant Kay, sir...but I would like to share them with the squad and yourself."

"What?" was heard from the others, as frowns and puzzled looks adorned their faces

Hondo and Deacon exchanged looks, as the others stared at them. Deacon shrugged as Hondo shook his head and crossed his arms across his chest.

Hicks frowned, placed his hands down and looked at Hondo and Deacon. "What's it about, Street?"

"Well..."he said pinching his lips, looking down at the floor. Then he looked up at them and with a wide smile announced excitingly,  "They're not the only sergeants in 20 squad anymore!"

It took them a second to understand, as they had no idea what he was talking about. Luca broke the silence.

"SERGEANT ALONSO!!!! YEEEES!" cried Luca, as the others realized the big news. He placed both arms up in triumph!

"You serious?"

"Oh my God"


As they celebrated, cheered and fist pumped, Street suddenly felt the rush in his eyes. For the first time in his life he felt so proud his eyes became watery. She was special!

End of shift...

"So...I guess Chris is officially Street's boss now, huh?" Tan teased, remembering the big news that morning.

"Like...she wasn't?" Luca piled on. The rest of the officers giggled.

After a tedious mission that involved waiting for two hours and the action taking less than 25 minutes, the squad spent the rest of the afternoon filing paperwork, inventory and other administrative chores. In other words, boring tasks. Street however had left just after the mission, excused for an important meeting at his kid's school.



Luca's phone vibrated in his pocket, so he dug his hand into it and removed the mobile. When he saw the image in the screen he jumped for joy, literally. "Yo! Yo! Guys! Check this!"

He gestured for everyone to come in and the others gathered behind him as he held the mobile up.

"On two, on two" called Hondo. He tapped Luca's shoulder once. Everyone giggled. He tapped it again and Luca clicked the screen.

"SERGEANT!!" yelled all of them at once "Hey! hey! hey! hey!" the repeated with enthusiasm, as they raised a fist in the air

The shinning smile of Sergeant Chris Alonso filled the screen as she could not help but to blush. She shook her head and repeated "stop"many times but to no avail. All the officers were so excited, they didn't care for her embarrassment.

Tan came from behind, and put a palm up to the guys, as he approached the screen. "What's up, Chris?"

"Woah! Woah!" interrupted Hondo with an angry look in his face, "Hold up! Who you calling Chris, officer. It's the damn Sergeant Alonso you speaking to!"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Luca, "Woooo hoooo"

"Show damn respect!"

Another round of "Hey! hey! hey! hey!" was heard as the lady behind the screen was left without words. Eyes watery, face half red, mouth shut!

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