Chapter 16: Teen Rescue

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"So, how are things going with the new Serge?" Hondo asked, placing his chair close to Street's and then sitting on it

Jim took a deep breath, then proceed "Hasn't been easy. She's at it day and night. Not sleeping enough. The pressure is out of this world!"

"She's tough, man. She can handle it!" Hondo said confidently

"How about you? How long are you gonna be out?"

"Hopefully not long. I can still help out from HQ, just not go on ops with y'all yet. I'm also working with a shrink, figuring some things out."

"That's good, Hondo. Sometimes you carry too much load, you know?"

"Kid, it comes with the job." Hondo said exhaling loudly

Jim shrugged, "How are things going at home?"

Hondo took a deep breath and adjusted in the chair. "It ain't easy, but, we working on it." he turned to Street, then smiled staring at afar, "You know? These weeks have been tough for me coz I've had so much on my mind. Too much stuff. But today, I slowed down and actually took the time to think things through, you know?"


"That's right. Figured that you gotta work hard for what you want but it can't break you. You gotta know your limits and you gotta know when to ask for help. At times, you wont be able to do stuff on your own, you gonna need that someone by your side."

"Yeah, those are scary times coz you don't know how that person's gonna respond. If you can truly trust." Street said disappointed

"See now, kid, that's where I think you wrong coz it ain't about the person trusting you, it's about you trusting yourself enough for that person to believe in you."

"You think so?" Jim asked curious

"Of course. Ain't nobody gonna be able to love and trust you unless you do so with yourself. It don't matter if it's a friend, a family member...don't matter! You gotta inspire trust for others to trust you. Ya feel me?"

"Yeah." Street nodded slowly as he kept thinking about the black box, now stored neatly in one of the drawers in the kitchen.

"Hey!" Connor called rushing in from the side, "You guys kept a timer? The boys have been taking a long time. Deacon said it's well over an hour since they left." he said as the Deacon rushed in

"They must be walking around. You know how curious boys are." Hondo said

"As long as my kid is not swinging off a tree, I'm good!" Street added, nodding his head

"AAAAAHHHHHH" Spencer had not taken a break from screaming and sobbing as he continued swinging in the air, some 15 ft up. The vines around him made the area dark, making him feel trapped.

The boys on the ground remained motionless as none knew exactly what to do and just feared the worst for the boy in the air.

"What do we do?" Parker asked, as Sammy continued to cry in despair and his brother continued to scream in pain and fear

Everyone turned to Rubio, as he took a step forward. "I got an idea." He said as he turned to his left, then to his right. "Get leaves, parts, anything you can find and put it all here. If he fall, there will be something to hold the impact."

"Dude, if he falls on his head, his neck will break and he'll die!" Calvin snapped

"Oh my God!" Parker freaked out, "please don't let my brother die!"

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