Chapter 7: Hot stuff

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"Hey, Sarah? Can we get more sauce for the wings, please?" called Luca as the bartender approached

"Sure!" she answered moving quickly, "Another round?" she asked pointing to Tan who was devouring a wing.

"Haaaaa!" he exhaled loudly, "These are hot, man!" he complained to Luca, then he noticed the bartender waiting on him. "Yeah. Sorry."

"Mmmmmm...they're good!" Luca said taking another bit. "Munch on the celery, it helps you cool off!" Luca suggested



"Damn!" Tan said as he lamented using both of his hands to grab the wings. Now he had a mess on his fingers and his phone vibrating like crazy in his pocket.

"Here!" Luca said extending the napkin holder, as the bartender placed a small container with the extra sauce in front of him and a new mug, removing Tan's empty one.

"What a mess!" Tan complained while Luca smirked. He grabbed some napkins, passed his hand on the empty mug to wet his fingers, and then rubbed them unto the bunch. After they were more or less cleaned, he stuck his hand in his pocket and removed his mobile.

"Aw, man!" he said shaking his head slowly, reading the screen.

"What's up?" Luca asked biting on a wing

"Mom's texting...again!" he complained

"Problems in the Tan's house?"

"More or less. Luca, can I get your advice on something?" Tan asked

"Sure, bro" Luca answered still chewing. He went ahead and dunked the half bitten wing in the sauce and took another big bite.

 "You remember I said my brother was coming to visit us a a little over a week ago? When we had the detail and Street went missing and all that?"

Luca, who had taken yet another bite, nodded his head quickly.

"Well, he said he was going to move back here." Tan said disappointed

"That's great, man!" Luca snapped back happily

"I don't think so because we have yet to see his wife or his two kids. He keeps giving excuses as to why they're not here...and my mom is driving me crazy about it!" Tan complained as he grabbed another wing

"Well, I mean- do you believe him?" Luca asked puzzled

"It's been well over a week, Luca! Why are they not here? Unless...she divorced him and took the kids with her!" Tan said with his mouth half full


"I mean, it's the only logical explanation, right?" he said wiping his fingers, "Also, the guy is on his computer all day. Says he's working, but... drives a beat down car that doesn't even have a working AC and keeps asking my mom for gas money."

"Sounds like your brother's going through a rough one."

"Right? That's what I think. I sorta asked him about it, but he changed the topic. Bonnie tells me I should help him. My mom says the same, but I don't know what to do. If he's going through a rough time, I don't want to push it."

"You tried taking him out for a walk or something and talking to him?"

"Not and my brother don't talk much. A couple of years ago I tried reconnecting with him and it went well, but we only talk occasionally. Usually when I call him on his birthday and around New Year's."

Luca took some time to think, as he munched on a couple of wings. "Listen, man, If I were you I would try to get him to open up. Maybe he's closing in because he's embarrassed. If his wife really left him or he got demoted or fired, returning home is embarrassing. He may be here as his only option to avoid being homeless. He needs his family right now."

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