Chapter 2: Betrayed

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The next morning...



The alarm didn't stop. So, annoying! Hondo yawned and stretched in the couch with last night's case file on his chest and two more folders in his lap. He noticed he'd fallen asleep right where he had landed this morning, when he came in really late after pulling another midnight workout session. He didn't care about what the doc said, he needed to get strong and get back to work.

He knew with Chris gone to the MST program, the team was already down one. He couldn't stay sidelined for long! He already made his teammates suffer through his absence once, when he turned his back to them. He wasn't about to let that happen again. So, without telling anyone he had signed up at the local 24hr gym and was hitting it hard for 2+ hours into after midnight, every night. He figured he didn't need the sleep! He would rest once he was reinstated with the others. Besides, sleeping meant relieving the car crash, the hospital, the reveal to Nichelle, everything! It was a never ending  horror movie in his head!  He kept hearing that voice in his head telling him it was his fault, his decision to step in front of her car costs them their daughter's life. He just couldn't live with the guilt! He asked for forgiveness every single day! wasn't enough! At least with exercise he was able to drown the demons in his head!

He made sure to get home and act normally around his parents and Nichelle, just until everyone went to sleep and he could sneak out. He would hit the gym until the pain was unbearable and then return home like nothing. He was able to get some more of the pain medication the doctor prescribed from the pharmacy. Yeah, the doc said to drink one or two if needed, but he was downing 4 or 5 each time he hit the gym. It was nothing he couldn't handle!

His biggest peeve was making sure his mother wouldn't find out. Every since the accident, Nichelle's parents have been coming by the house every day to help with her treatment and medication, while Hondo's parents had been staying in the spare room to help out during the day. Hondo's mom even took out a sick leave to help Nichelle with the center. Hondo was really grateful that they were doing so much for him and his girl, which is why it was so important for him to get better, faster!

"Baby?" his mother called, as she exited the bathroom, "Why are you in the couch?"

"Uh..."he paused looking around, "Good morning, momma!" he said with a big smile, his lying smile."I had a call yesterday from the office about a case and seems I didn't make it back to bed. I must've been exhausted." He couldn't tell her he had sprained his knee doing one of the routines, had come home wobbly and spread himself the folders to pretend he had been studying cases. Shhh! Nobody would know!

"Awww, my poor baby!" she said as he approach. She grabbed his face and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Well, yo go on and get ready for work. I'ma fix you a champion's breakfast."

"Thank you momma!" he said as he hurried to the bathroom.

"Sure, honey!" she responded heading to the kitchen.

As Mrs. Harrelson opened drawers and cabinet doors and took out pots and pans, Mr. Harrelson sprung from the room.

"Morning sunshine." he said cheerfully

"Morning!" she called back

"Where's our boy?" the older man asked looking around

"He in the bathroom. I'm a fix him some breakfast. You want some?"

"Woman, let me help you!"

"Alright, honey. You can start the coffee!"

"Yes, ma'am!" he answered cheerfully, as he approached the machine whistling a soft tune

The older couple began assembling breakfast, as the master bedroom door swung open. Mrs. Harrelson immediately dropped everything and moved towards the sound.

"Nichelle, honey? Is that you?' she called

"Good morning, Charice!" she called softly, almost as a whisper. She appeared from the hallway, walking very slowly and gingerly. The doctor recommended she began to walk slowly as her body was getting stronger and stronger.

"Hey honey, let me help you" said Mrs. Harrelson, guiding her to the dining chair.

"Thank you."

"How you feeling, Nichelle?" asked Mr. Harrelson from the kitchen

She nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm ok...I could go for some coffee, Harrelson's special if there's any."

"Of course! Coming right up!"  said the older gentlemen, moving quickly toward the coffee maker. Nichelle smiled as she was grateful for how nice the Harrelson's have been lately, plus Mr. Harrelson makes a mean cup of coffee!

She observed as the older couple moved in the kitchen, singing and humming to an old song. She then turned her attention to the living room, specifically the couch. To one side there was a mountain of cushions with folders all around and to the other Hondo's SWAT backpack. She was surprised to see it there because she was sure he came in yesterday night with it to their room.

As the chefs danced and cooked away, she got up very gingerly from the chair and wobbly made her way to the couch. She noticed the bag laid opened on one side of the couch. Without even moving, she spotted a towel, toothbrush, deodorant, and a shirt tucked in nicely, almost as if it was taken from the dresser exactly how she folds them. She turned around to make sure her in-laws were still entertained in the kitchen, which they were, and then towards the bathroom, making sure the door was closed.

She could feel her eyes watery, a knot on her throat, her knees weak and her stomach churning, as she dug into his bag and found a pair of pants, weight gloves, a pair of sunglasses, the keys to his car, and flip flops. Everything he needed to have a fun time...with someone else! She was devastated!

Suddenly she felt the terrible pain of being punched in the gut as she feared Hondo had been sneaking out to meet someone. Since the last doctor's visit, he reduced her night dose to only half. So, for the past days she's only been taking half of the dose and since she went to the appointment with her parents, Hondo had no idea of this.

The first night of the smaller dose she felt a little dozy but she could've sworn the door had opened. Then, last night she opened her eyes and noticed his badge, which he usually places on top of the dresser, was gone. She could easily spot it because of the gleam from the light of the clock by his bedside, but it wasn't there!

This was horrible! How could he do this to her? She was grieving even worse than he was! They had gone to couple's counseling and he seemed fine. It was his idea! Saying how they would get through this together! Why? Just...why?

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