Chapter 20: Helping hand

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"Yes, he's my brother." he asked surprised, hoping to God this wasn't bad news.

"Wonderful!" said the woman relieved, "Officer, I need to speak with him, but... the number that I was given doesn't seem to be connecting properly."

"Um...he might be in the middle of something. I think I heard him on the phone this morning saying he was heading to the mountainside for a photo shoot. May I ask what is this about?"

"Oh, ok. I understand." she said, making a pause. "Yes, officer. My apologies for I failed to present myself properly."

"It's ok."

"You see, Officer Luca, my  brothers and I run a successful chain of venues and restaurants in four major cities in California, and we are in the process of opening two more here in Los Angeles. However, we are in desperately need of a digital director and manager for our business here, locally. We are seeking someone responsible, reliable, talented and above all creative, to cover every media aspect of our enterprise in this city."

"Oh" Luca was surprised. The more the woman talked, the more interested he became!

"Yes, officer. This process has been beyond frustrating! I will be truly honest with you, if I may."

"Yes, go ahead"

"It has been exhausting! With four of us having difference of opinions, it can get so messy! We have been through just over 120 candidates and nothing sticks. We cannot seem to get together with a final decision... and without it we pretty much cannot open!"

"Ok" he said

"Officer, we're two week from opening, still working on the renovations and appointments. You see, we are booked for the next 8 months! So, business is booming and stress is riding high! However, our current director is overwhelmed with locations in other cities. So, we need someone here in LA. A business with no digital image or presence is not a successful one! So, yesterday, my brothers and I were having dinner at a restaurant downtown, when yet another argument arose. The discussion heated up so much, other customers became irritated. Suddenly, this nice lady stopped at our table, short black hair, beautiful smile, dressed in a fancy police-like uniform and told us she knew the perfect person for the job."

Luca was starting to get a clearer idea.

"She showed us pictures of this man's collections, office and even talked about how he helped the police as a good Samaritan. She described him as a respectable professional, versatile in the field of media development and photography, and with an immediate availability of schedule. We are interested in a meeting with him because we need to fill this position asap. We are willing to discuss any requirements he presents. She provided your name, Officer Luca, and the name of the man as Terrance Luca, but made us promise to keep hers confidential."

I know who she is! Sis, I love you! he thought as he threw a fist up in the air in triumph. This is the big break Terry needed. Finally!

An hour went by and Luca was still in the waiting room. He kept daydreaming... his brain filled with images of Chris being promoted to captain, of going surfing with Rubio and Tan, Street proposing on one knee, Hondo holding on to his baby in the delivery room, Annie graduating...There were too many things in his head! So many that he didn't even notice Street coming out the ER. He looked tired as he sat down next to Luca.

"Luca?" he said startling the older officer

"Hey, bro!"

"Why didn't you go home like everyone else?"

"I wanted to make sure the little dude was ok...and in case you needed me to bring you a bag with stuff to stay with him."

"Aw, man. Thank you so much! I'm exhausted" Street said slouching down. He closed his eyes for a second.

To everyone's surprise, Deacon came in through the automatic doors side by side with Hondo, each holding a bag. Right behind them was Connor, cradling a plastic bag with both hands. 

"Street!" greeted Deacon, as all three incoming officers extended their hand to shake. Street and Luca stood and completed the gesture.

"How's the kid doing?" Hondo asked as they finished the hand shakes. Then Deacon and Connor repeated the same, eagerly.

"He has third degree burns in his arm and a few stitches, but he'll be ok. They're starting him on antibiotics for an infection, so he's resting now. Thank God coz he was driving me crazy with his boredom. He hates hospitals!" he complained

"Kids recover really have tons of energy!" Deacon said as everybody giggled

"I had less injuries than that last time and it knocked me out for like two days! Anyway, he's resting now, so I'm taking a little breather. Chair is killing my back."

Deacon nodded and giggled. He understood the feeling, perfectly.

"Jim" Connor said stepping closer to him, "Thank you so much. What your kid was incredible! I know it was risky, but he saved my son's life." the man was struggling to keep his voice, as a terrible knot formed in his throat. Deacon placed his hand on his shoulder, as Hondo nodded quietly, "Doctors took X Rays and brain scans and everything turned out ok. Doc told us a couple of more seconds and our son could've suffered severe brain trauma. So...thank you so much. May God bless you and your kid always." he said as a tear fell down his cheek. He paused to wipe it with his shoulder, and proceeded, "As a token of our appreciation we prepared a healthy meal for you and your son. Complete with beverage, desert and a little something for breakfast tomorrow."  he said offering the bag to him with a smile. 

"Thank you!" he said receiving the package

"Yeah, and just so you don't kill your back, I brought you an extra pillow and blanket...some socks and a jacket, in case you get cold, kid!" Hondo said grinning, placing the bag on Street's shoulder

"And um...for the bored teenager, Matthew and Sammy prepared this bag with a notepad, coloring book and pencils, playing cards, snacks and an Nintendo DS with a couple of games for him to play and leave you alone for a while." Deacon said handing Street the bag

"Love your kids, Deacon!" Street said balancing the plastic bag in one hand and receiving the duffel bag with the other. "Thank you guys. I really appreciate this."

"Officer Street? Room's ready!" called the nurse from the half opened door

"I gotta go, but thank you so much!" he said as he began to turn back.

The morning melody of the birds was heard through the room as the patient slept peacefully and Street snored lightly. After a rough afternoon yesterday, Rubio settled in a room and both had rested peacefully though most of the night. The nurse came in very early and checked on him. She informed the officer that the kid's fever was coming down, but they had to run some tests and wait for him to finish all the antibiotics.

Just after 10am, Hondo and Deacon came in, followed by Tan and Luca.

"Hey!" greeted Street from the side chair

"What's up people?"greeted Rubio raising his left arm. He got excited once he saw Luca coming in, "Dímelo, Tío Cosa!"(What's up?)

"Hey you!" Luca greeted back, as he went around the bed and gave the kid a quick hug

After everyone had shaken hands and fist pumped Street and Rubio, Hondo shushed them to call order.

"We gotta surprise for you!" he said as the others grinned. He was staring at Rubio with a frown, which quickly faded into a wide smile. He turned sideways towards the door and called, "Yo! Come on in!"

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