Chapter 9: Morning Men

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Street's place, 6:00am...

MMMmmm...smells delicious! Street thought as he slowly opened his eyes to the morning shine. The sun was at its full strength, so the heat was pretty intense for that time of the day. His nostrils received the full aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bacon with joy!

He had so much on his mind, even after being sent home early, he couldn't sleep much. He kept thinking about the little black box. That cube shape box that pretty much had his hopes and dreams in it. It was just a promise, but for him it meant everything. The issue? Chris. How the hell was he going to convince her. She's already struggling mightily with the program, having had second thoughts twice already! The psych evals were becoming harder and and harder. What if she said no? What then? He thought getting the approval of her folks was the toughest part, but was getting her on board, especially if it meant keeping the kid! He couldn't lose her, but he couldn't lose him either. If she says no, the court wont sign Rubio off and he will be all alone. That would be terrifying! He didn't even know what to do first. If only...

"Pops?" called Rubio from behind the door, startling Jim who was deep into his thoughts.

"Hey!" he said, jumping out of his skin. "In here, buddy."

The doorknob twisted and Rubio came in back first. As he swerved he revealed a tray with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, a glass of orange juice and a coffee cup. Jim immediately sat up straight surprised.

"Wow! What is this?" he asked grinning

"Breakfast! Good morning, pops!" the teenager answered excited

"Woah!" Jim's face suddenly changed to a frown asking "What did you do?"

"Pssst!" Rubio shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Acho! (Man! or Damn!) Nothing, pops!"

Rubio placed the tray on the corner of the messy dresser and handed him the coffee cup.

"What do you want, Rubio?" Street said still frowning, extending his hand

"Nothing, pops. I can't cook for you?" he asked innocently, handing him the cup

Street squeezed his eyes and raised and eyebrow. Rubio's facial expression changed dramatically as he hung his head and bit his lower lip, placing his hands behind his back.

"Ok" he paused, "I want to stay, pop. Please, tell the judge I don't want to go foster again! Please."

He took a deep breath. Hearing the kid beg broke his heart! He wasn't even hungry anymore! I wish it was up to me, bud. I really do. He thought as he glanced over to his SWAT bag, staring at one of the side pockets, where he had stashed the small black box.

"Hey! We'll work it out, ok?" he said as he reached the boy and patted him in the shoulder

"Please talk with ma, pops!" the boy begged

"I will. I will." he said taking another deep breath. He knew Chris was having a really tough time as well, which made him feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. "C'mere!" He said as he got up, placed the cup on the tray and gave the kid a big hug.

Then, things turned silly! Jim wrapped the kid's head around his massive left arm. Rubio retaliated with squeezing his abdomen, making him tickle. They began wrestling in the room, as Street was able to slam the kid on the bed twice. The boy did try to push him off, but Jim was too strong. He then grabbed Rubio's arms, as both screamed and shouted loudly, and flaunt him around. Rubio suddenly pushed him back with all his weight and Jim pushed him back onto the bed. They continued to push an pull on the bed, until...

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