Chapter 24: No team leader

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He took a deep breath and thought about what he really wanted to do. He thought of his folks... of Nichelle... of his team... In that moment all he could do was question his values, his believes, his convictions... He had a choice to make! There was no evidence of him setting foot in that office so he could do whatever he wanted to the old man and nobody would ever know. He could just sneak out and make it home for dinner. No news, no pictures, no trial!

On the other hand, he could detain him and hope that the system would do justice for his family and the many others that were scammed by the doctor. Hope that the same corrupt system that almost cost him his job, finally stood up for black and people of color everywhere. Yeah, the same system that he's been fighting all his life. The same one his father fought, and his grandfather, and many generations of African Americans!

No, he couldn't leave it to the hands of them. They didn't care. Plus, this man is rich. He would for sure buy his freedom. Unlike any other man, he was white and rich. No way would he step foot in prison!

So...there he was. Five minutes into his decision and still nothing. He couldn't make up his mind. That voice inside of his head wouldn't shut up!

The symphony came to an end and the doctor began retrieving from the window.


The doctor was startled by the dark figure standing at the end of the his office.

"Who are you?" the doctor said panicking

Hondo, who had been deep into his thoughts was startled himself. He quickly snapped back and grabbed his weapon tight.

"You-you-you-are not supposed to be here!" the doctor stuttered, looking everywhere as he moved sideways towards the side of his desk.

Hondo took a deep breath and...made a decision.

"LAPD! You're under arrest!" he began as he continued the sentencing, followed by reading him his rights. He grabbed the handcuffs, neatly tucked between his pants and his service weapon and took them out. one swift motion the doctor opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled a 9mm gun. He pointed it at Hondo and...

"I wont have no n*gger come into my office and call me out on bogus accusations." he said pointing the gun straight at him. "Don't! Don't even think about reaching for your gun!" he said as he took two steps forward. "Take it out with your left hand and put it on the floor. NOW!" he yelled

Me and my damn principles! Hondo thought having second thoughts on his decision. He grabbed his gun with his left hand and did as the doctor said.

"Why would I help monkeys propagate and ruin the purity of my city? If I could I would just exterminate you altogether!" the doctor said angrily, "With my methods I can make sure only the brilliant minds of Caucasian males survive and take over this great city and slowly we will reach perfection throughout our nation!"

"There is no such thing as perfection, doc! All you're doing is playing with people, real people. You ain't God! Nobody is!"

"Oh, but you see, officer-"


"Wow! They're giving those ranks out like candy, huh? Ok, intruder! When you have such a gifted mind like mine, there's no limit to perfection. Little by little we will purify our race! Get rid of you and your people, the gays and the lesbians, the handicaps and all those that cripple our society!"

As he kept talking Hondo's fury increased, he became more and more blind, until...a figure in the window!

One by one they kept falling from the sky and positioning in the window right behind the mad man. They balanced themselves with their feet in the glass, as one signaled with his index finger.

One finger up....two fingers up...three fingers!


The window blew up in pieces as Hondo went flying to the floor. The fully geared SWAT officers ram into the office and took down the suspect who was caught of guard, pushing him down to the ground.




"Hondo!" called Street, as he approached his leader in the floor. He held his hand and helped Hondo up.

"Thanks, man!" Hondo said getting up. Tan apprehended the suspect as all the others went to check on him.

"I'm glad you didn't!" Street said to Hondo as pointed to the weapon on the floor

Hondo took a deep breath and shook his head. "I would've had to swallowed everything I have stood for my whole life, kid!"

"We're code 4, Commander!" Deacon radioed

Crime scene, FBI and other agencies made their way to the scene. Internal Affairs Bureau was contacted and found reason to keep Hondo for further questioning. The rest of the officers were dismissed, but none could really go with a clear mind. They gathered outside of Black Betty.

"So, you think IAB is gonna make a big fuss about him coming over here?" Tan asked as everyone removed helmets, vests and other gear.

"I hope not...he didn't do anything." Street said

"Well, they could argue he provoked the man. After all the doc is rich. He can claim self defense!" Luca lamented

"How? When we got there Hondo was unarmed and the guy was pointing at him!" Street complained

They made silence as they watched Hicks approach, grabbing his head.That's never a good sign! Street thought

The older officer removed his glasses and looked around before facing the group.

"Ok, so...doc is claiming self defense. Says the sergeant went after him with his service weapon. Internal Affairs is going to investigate the claim, which will take time. For now-" he stopped as they saw Hondo being escorted out of the building by three officials from the bureau.

They saw as their team leader was stopped, faced a man that read him his rights, gave up gun and badge and was placed inside of a patrol car. He looked out the window at them and hung his head low, shaking it slowly.

"Damn!" Luca said shaking his head

"As of now, 20 David is off the team. Deacon?" Hicks announced

"Yes, sir." Deacon responded, followed by a deep deep breath

"Go home. Let's hope they sort this out soon!" Hicks ordered

Hicks turned and left, as the team was left wondering about their fate. Their looks of despair were evident as the patrol car left the area with their team leader detained. In the back of a patrol car, like a criminal.  No gun, no badge!

Unexpected 7: Franken DocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon