Chapter 1: Process

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The silence of mother nature had a powerful effect on every single human being, especially on a beautiful morning like today. Mother Earth was awarding everyone with a choir of lovely birds, the enchanting sound of the water flowing down the river stream, the quiet breeze that announced the exit of spring and the hot and humid weather that welcomed summer. 

Arrowhead Mountains was the preferred site for bird watchers, scouts, and...the New Nationalist Commanders, the leaders of The Republic of California. These men were entitled the great challenge of cleansing the state of California from all damaging and disruptive elements in their cities. Society had to excel and prosper, but it couldn't if it was to include weak and corrupt components. It was the job of NNC to get rid of all queer, sick, traitors and monkeys. They will begin their mission in LA and then propagate all through the state. Eventually, they could spread across the nation and become the purest form of Caucasian perfection.

Their operation base was just north of the Cansio River, which runs all the way down Arrowhead. They had set up camp and a state of the art training facility, with all the technology needed. It may look extremely simple, but the obstacle course designed by their head carpenter and their operations manager, allowed them to make changes as they prepared for their biggest mission. They had to gather as many believers as possible and round up all the crew to hit their first major target: South LA Convention Center, where the plague would celebrate for some festival to spread the message that being queer and different was okay. They could not allow that to happen! That's why they prepared extensively and trained more than 20 men in just over 15 days. Head Commander, Spike Gaven, urged everyone of the atrocities that these people were spreading and that if they wanted purity, they had to exterminate those who threatened their mission.


"Alright guys, this has been a really good practice. We will hit the course again in 10. Water break!" Gaven called, as the last group finished in the shooting range. The space was about the size of a football field, and included obstacles, a stand for targets and the backside was an elevated ground off the smallest mountains in Arrowhead. That elevation allowed the shooters to practice on moving targets and different positions and angles when aiming.

"Nicely done, Spike" cheered Igna Parcells, his long time girlfriend and right hand in the NNC mission. The couple looked somewhat odd as the man was a Caucasian middle aged man with a long red bear connected to long red hair, while the younger lady wore her hair in a short pony tail at all times.

"Go round up more ammo, Igna. Make sure Jimmy and Klay set up more obstacles. This needs to be perfect. We have less than a month to get everything ready and going." Spike ordered

He was a man of a few words, but everyone knew to never stand on his way. Igna loved his veracity and his seriousness, for she craved a man of leadership and strong beliefs.

"Coming right up" she answered immediately.

The leader continued to observe the maps and the documents, making sure to go over every last detail. He knew that in order for them to reach their goals, absolutely everything had to go down perfectly. As he was beginning to work on the logistics of the breach and entry, he heard a commotion in the back. He heard yelling, screaming and scuffling coming from the back of the small range.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" one short man yelled, pushing another one against the wall.

"YOU! YOU IDIOT!" yelled the man after being pushed

Each one lunged at each other disregarding the audience that began forming around them. Igna stopped her chores and spotted herself to one side of the ring. The two men went at it like if there was no tomorrow: hitting, punching, swinging, biting, etc. Blood began to spill everywhere as the wrestling was getting out of control.

Unexpected 7: Franken DocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora