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Some days later....

"Street, how are things going?" Commander Hicks asked

"Um...things are ok. Just finished the paperwork for the dispatch. I'm sorry for not being at work today but I couldn't find anybody to stay with Rubio. Helena was in doctor's appointments, Miss Rita had a meeting, Terry's starting at a new job and Chris is still out-"

"It's ok, Street. I heard your kid had a set back?"

"Yeah, they were going to send us home on Saturday night but he showed symptoms of a virus so they started on another round of antibiotics and meds. It worked until they checked his soft cast and noticed some bleeding, so they had to tape it again and then run new blood tests to make sure."

"Oh my God! It's just that the more time you spend in a hospital, the sicker you get. What was the problem?"

"Yeah, but...He's kinda hyper so the constant moving and scraping was causing his skin to burst the air bubbles beneath the gauge, so they immobilize his whole arm and the doc had to sit down and talk to him. Scared him enough."

Hicks smirked, shaking his head. "Kids hard headed, huh? I remember how that was like with JP."

"Yeah. So, we had to stay a couple more days. This morning the doc came in and finally gave us the papers saying we could go home."

"He excited?"

"You have no idea, sir. He had everything packed even before the doctor opened the door!" Street said with a slight giggle, "Hey! Um...what's the latest on Hondo?"

"Well, IAB wont be pressing charges, so he's back at work with gun and badge. I had a long talk with him. I trust he will follow their guidelines and complete the anger management courses and continue his sessions with the shrink. You know how tough that guy is, already asking when he'll be back at the field."

"Yeah, we're gonna miss him out there. I'll take the kid home, stay with him. Make sure he doesn't show any symptoms and leaves his arm alone, then tomorrow he can stay with Chris' folks. I'll be back to work tomorrow, sir!"

"Good, coz I need 20 squad here! Any news on Chris?"

"Yes, sir." he paused, "Yeah, I talked to her this morning to let her know. She was relieved, said something about a huge meeting she had today."

"Oh, ok. Did she pass the captain's exam?"

"She couldn't finish one of the training sessions and missed one interview because chief's office has been hit hard by Covid. So, she still has to finish those."

"Oh ok. Well, I'll let you be. You take care of yourself and the kid, alright? Anything you need, you know my number!"

"Thank you, sir. And thanks for the quick response when we had the mess in the camp. Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I expect you here tomorrow. Right?"

"Yes, sir. Bye." just as Street was hanging up, Rubio opened the bathroom door.

"Ready to go home, buddy?"

"Yeah!" he said excited

The pair grabbed the bags and all of their belongings and headed out the door. Rubio couldn't wait to go home and eat normal food, while Street begged for his bed. The two made it down to the parking lot rather quietly. As soon as they loaded up Chris' car and drove out, Street made the decision: he was going for it! Time to check if Luca's advice will work!

"" he paused as he was regretting his decision already! "Listen, buddy, we gotta talk about something important, ok?"

"Yeah...something happen with ma?" Rubio asked panicking

Unexpected 7: Franken DocDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora