09 | Let's date

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For the past couple of days, Blake's been staying at Josh's house with his mother. The first few days his mother tried calling, begging him to come back home, but he told her as long as Nate was there he wouldn't be setting foot in that house for a while. Then the week after that he got a call from Nate from a different number. From the time he heard his voice he hung up the phone and blocked his number.

Josh was pissed at Nate but wasn't surprised, if anything he was slightly happy at this, seeing as Blake's attention is solely on him and not on his family or ex-girlfriend. As creepy as it was, he liked having Blake on his shoulder, crying his heart out to him. In some twisted way, it made him feel important.

Josh doesn't mind that Blake has other friends, what he didn't like was feeling left out, especially when Nick came over last Thursday. The duo were talking about a video game that recently came out and since Josh had no knowledge about the game, he had to sit there in his jealousy and watch the two talk. 


" Hey, Blake...is that her stuff?" Lexi asked when she answered the door. Blake stood there with a box of all Cassie's items. The ones that were important to her. The rest he could always burn them. 

"Yeah. I was going to burn them but the good side of me told me not to..."He shoves the box into her arms. Lexi shuffles a few things from the box and sees some clothes, perfume, books and what looks to be a ring. She shifts the box into one hand and takes out the ring.

"Oh that. She could sell it or keep it I don't care, it's hers so she can do what she wants with it" 

"Do you, uh do you want to talk to her?" Lexi asks but Blake shakes his head no. He tells her bye and heads to his truck.


With the Jacobs household, Marsha didn't talk to Nate as much as she used to, Aaron avoided the two of them and Cal? Well, they haven't heard of him since that night he told the family of his issues.  

Anytime he would come into the kitchen, she would leave, the living room? she would leave, the backyard? she would always leave. Nate truly felt alone.


The next day, Blake messaged Maddy wondering how she was holding up, since the whole Cassie and Nate drama. He hasn't talked to her since then. She instantly replied telling him that she wasn't home but working. He grabbed his key told Ms Johnson that he was stepping out, got into his car and headed to her workplace.  

Before Blake could even knock on the door, the door opened and revealed Theo, who instantly jumped on him.

"Blake! You're here!"

"Hey lil man, whoa, you're getting big, feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" Blake says as he tickles the boy's side. Having enough he stops and shifts Theo onto his back and carries him inside. In the living room stood  Maddy with her arms folded.

"Theo, what have I told you about opening the front door without calling me? What if it was someone dangerous"

"Blake's not dangerous" The said boy raises his eyebrows at Theo, "I'm not dangerous? Theo, you hurt me, man, I thought we were cool?" Before the little boy could answer, Maddy flickered Blake on the head, "Don't encourage him, now come on, he's got homework to do"

After helping Theo with his work, the trio ended up playing a few video games before it was time for Theo's bedtime. While Blake was cleaning up their mess, Maddy allowed Theo to video call with his dad before going to bed. 

He takes off his jacket and places it on the couch. Blake sits on the couch and watches the ceiling, waiting for Maddy to return. While waiting, he keeps thinking about the events that took place at the Howards.

RUE: No one realized this but Blake was depressed. Not only did he lose his girlfriend, but he also lost his brother and best friend. That's not something that could be easily forgotten. He tried forgetting, tried moving on, but the memory will always be in the back of his head. Kind of made him feel second best. Reminded him of his dad, and how he would put him and his brother against each other, this time Nate had no one to blame but himself.

So in his thought, he didn't feel the person behind him. Feeling hands on his shoulder, he grips the person's arms and throws them over, making them land on his lap.

"Hey what the fuck wrong with you?!" He releases his hold on her, and Maddy moves herself to sit on his lap. She shoves his face away from her.

"Dude you mustn't sneak up on someone, what if I had hit you?"

"I'd just hit you back" He shakes his head at her. The room got quiet again. He didn't know what to talk about. Normally it was easier to talk to her but because of what had happened the last time it makes him feel weird.

"Have you...have you talked to Cassie?" Maddy says breaking the silence, Blake sighs, "No. I dropped off her things a few days ago and the rest...I burnt them" She nods her head.


"Me? Fuck no. I don't intend to" He leans back on the couch. "Have you spoken to Nate?"

"God Blake, way to kill the mood"

"What? You ask me about Cassie so why can't I ask you about Nate?"

"Sure ask me about my ex-best friend who fucked my ex-boyfriend"

"Are you forgetting that she was my girlfriend and that he was my brother?" Maddy didn't say anything. She had forgotten that Blake is going through the same thing as her. 


"It's fine. I haven't been home since I dealt with Nate. He tried calling a few times but I'm thinking of getting a new number" She laughs, "That would make him pissed" 

"That's why I'm going to do it" The duo laughs. It got quiet again until Maddy made a comment, that made Blake's heart race.

"You know how to piss them off? If we started dating" Blake starts laughing till he saw her expression. 

"You...you can't be serious?" She shifts her body so that only her legs are on his own.

"I mean, why not? You know how fucked up that is? You and me dating each other just to mess with them"

"Look...I hate Nate but I can't do that to him, he's still my brother"

"Blake forgets him, okay,  Nate doesn't give a fuck about you if he did he wouldn't have gotten with your girlfriend!" What she said did make sense, when he thinks about it. Why care about Nate's feelings when he didn't care about his? This would be a literal fuck you to both him and Cassie. He looks at her and smiles.


She rolls her eyes and says, "Okay....what?"

"Okay, yeah, let's go out. I mean if they already got together, why can't we?" He says, Blake grabs onto her waist and pulls her towards him. Due to the height difference, Maddy had to look down at Blake. He leans up and goes to kiss her, his lips only made it to touching until they heard a female's voice. Blake shoves Maddy off of him and quickly stood up. The lady stood in front of the duo, with an amused smile. 

"Hey! I'm Blake, Maddy's friend" He puts out his hands for her to shake which she grabs. Maddy sighs at being interrupted. The lady looks at Maddy and then back at  Blake.

"Hey, I'm  Samantha, Theo's mom...so you're Blake? Theo talks a lot about you" Blake's cheeks flustered at that. Nervously, he picks up his jacket, "W-Well nice meeting you  Samantha, I mean Ms Samantha, uh, but I have to go, bye Maddy!" And with that, Blake quickly left the house. Maddy looked back at Samantha and glares at her, as the woman smiles innocently at her.

"Well he seems cute"

I'm way behind assignments,
Because I was sick, so lemme
catch up.

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