Indy's Lonesome

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The Indominus Rex couldn't put to words what she had witnessed.

Standing atop a lonely hill, the speckled hybrid watched in dread as the only home she ever knew collapsed before her eyes. She didn't want to believe such a thing could happen; INGEN facilities were quite fortified and unique in nature. Guarded. Protective. Safe.

This... this shouldn't have happened.

She instantly blamed the hybrid that condemned her sister over his pride. Everything was perfect until that untamed short-nosed monstrosity strolled right into their lives, toiling everything she held dear. Scrutinizing her beliefs. Poisoning her heart. And he hurt Seven. He had no care for what happened to them. No care but himself.

Indy snorted.

Eventually he'll kill her, she thought to herself. One wrong move and it's all over. If Blink even cared-

Her teeth began to show, eyes flashing of a sinister hue. She should've eaten him when she had the chance. It would've saved them both the trouble. Maybe even prevent the nightmare that ruined their lives today.

But, then again, had Seven not left, they wouldn't have suspected anything to go awry. Had they stayed, Indy would've found herself in a moving crate, drugged away as the humans moved her to a location far from home. Versus the lonesome moment she shared now, she would rather have a bit of self-time than another round of unwanted hell.

Maybe a part of her considered Blink words a tad bit true. But she wasn't so keen on accepting anything immediately.

Not yet.

Another crackling explosion shook the hybrid out of thought and back to the flaming scene ahead. Indy remembered running the moment the door was opened, never once looking back at her paddock. Strangely enough, nobody sought her scales as Seven had foretold; the space outside was emptied. Still, taking the chance to look would endanger the whole point of escape, and so she high-tailed right out of there to safety. She tried to keep the stench of her old place in her head as a reminder of where she belonged. Now, the only scent that filled her nostrils were the growing smoke clouds billowing in the north, and the crowd of humans that now surrounded the blazing inferno. No Seven. No Blink. No humans. No home.

Nobody was coming.

Just Indy. A massive white monster. Alone in the woods.

How quaint.

She shook at the thought of that. It wasn't right of her to be thrown into a world she didn't know. A world that, frankly, her entire being hoped to hide from after what happened on Isla Nublar. The indominus made a wave of promises at such a young age, so much so that they've become a broken record in her head.

Would they stay?

Her heart still felt pure for the most part. Indy thought herself to be obedient enough to INGEN and Wu, not like her predecessor. She didn't lash out, or snarl, or attack without reason -- they'd kill her if those foundations were filled with cruelty and hate. This kept her alive. This kept her safe.

Now she willed it to stay as she stood on that hill by her lonesome. With nobody to watch her, study her, care for her, or feed her, she was scared what would come. Survival wasn't in mind, even if it was in her nature.

Indy's eyes began to look around. Fixated on the forest ahead, her predatory eyes adjusted just slightly to the dark, allowing full exposure of the wilderness filling the gaps of the night. Her jaws gaped in surprise. Many new scents wafted into her nostrils: pinecones, overturned soil, mushrooms, rocks, even small furry creatures that scrambled about. Beyond that remained a wave of other smells she couldn't make out, fueling her interests even more.

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