Journal log 3.

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According to Google, I had committed the most heinous crime (in a relationship) on this trip. I cheated. Well, I didn't start it, but... from the sounds of it, I cheated. Unless I protest and yell, "Airi sexually assaulted me!" From the stands of a random courtroom, the school has hidden away, I doubt I can justify the situation. I mean... I did let it slide because it was her and a little part of me wanted to feel her lips. Her soft.... Lips, her lips that are perfectly sized. I mean, as a man, who wouldn't want to do it once, BUT there it is. There's where I can be pinned up and labelled as a cheater.

When in a relationship, the man and woman should think of others in that way, correct? From what I've researched, that's the case. Especially, TokTik... wait no it's TikTok. The girls on there have a massive agenda against men who look at other women while in a relationship with them. Captions like, "When my man looks at another woman." Followed by a video from an infamous movie detailing how the main character or antagonist committed a homicide over something so minuscule scares me.

What if Honami is like them? I mean, she's always on her phone and I heard she's big on TikTok so... maybe, I don't know.

Anyway, Honami wanted to know about my past to which I completely shut down. Telling her now would only endanger her, but it could help me build a bond with her. If I want to understand emotions and gain feelings, I must throw away logic every once in a while no? I mean, if I were logical all the time, I wouldn't even be here, I came here out of pure curiosity.

It's interesting how the saying, "The right person can bring the real you out," is true. For example, look at Koenji. Although I haven't conversed with Himeno I know she's had a good impact on his life. She's his Honami and to be honest, I think Yuuichi needs that. This is coming from a friend's perspective. I feel like he's not grown mentally since he's been here. He seems to be the same person he was in the outside world it's just he's stronger now. I think what he needs is love in his life, it changed me and Koenji so why not him too?

Last thing, Shinomiya Kei. I'm gonna have fun with him, I wonder how I'll beat him. Should I beat him physically or mentally? Or both? Who knows, but whichever way I do it I'll make sure to make him feel despair. Yeah, that's the right way.

Anyway, I think I've done all the ranting I need in here, see you later Journal book.

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