Vol 4 Chapter 3: Kaidou's showcase

491 21 34

Current class points: Class A: 305 Class B: 2,760 Class C: 827 Class D: 1,217

Current private points: Class A: 3,632,400, Class B: 23,160,952, Class C: 7,466,765, Class D: 10,067,567

Day 2:

"Mio-chan, I'm gonna gamble today," I stated while looking at the cerulean hair-coloured girl, wiping the sleeping from my eyes to look at her properly.

"Just don't do anything reckless." She replied, throwing another kick with perfect technique.

"You guys are up already?" The silver-haired girl yawned.

"Yeah, I've decided I want to gamble today," I said facing her with a smile. She looked back at me and then grabbed her book.

"Okay, that's fine, just win."

"Thanks, Hiyori-san!" I was happy they both approved of my gambling. To me aside from my daddy, these two are the most important people in the world, they're my sisters. Well not biologically, nor officially, but in my head, they're my sisters.

"Which class are you planning to gamble against first?" Hiyori asked while turning a page in her book.

"Katagiri Yuuichi, I want to beat him." Instantly, Hiyori looked over at me.

"What's your problem with Yuuichi-kun?" I forgot she has a little crush on him because they like to read books together.

"His aura is putrid and second of all he seems like fun to gamble." Hiyori sighed and went back to her book.

"Whatever just don't go too hard on him." She blushed slightly and went back to reading.

"Sorry, sis don't know if I can be lenient on him." She let out an uncharacteristic groan and just continued reading.


(Kiyotaka Pov)

"Kiyotaka~, yes right there."

"You like it that?" She let out a moan.

"Yes~" Good I'm glad I'm doing it well.

"Why are you so good at this~" Time to lie again.

"My mother used to always make me massage her whenever she got back from work." That's a lie, the white room taught us how to massage our bodies and relieve them if it ever came down to it. For instance, if our legs began to tense up while we were training, we'd have to quickly relieve the muscle and then go back into things.

"That makes sense~" Ten minutes ago Honami texted me saying she was having problems with her back so I decided to come over and help her.

"Can you guys keep it down, I almost thought you guys were doing... yeah you know what I'm saying." Since it was early in the morning Shiho and Amikura were still here getting ready.

"Shush, you're just jealous that Yuuichi isn't doing this for you." Honami retorted.

I turned around to see Shiho's reaction and it was funny, she was blushing extremely hard while waving her hands around. "N-No I'm not jealous, you guys a-are just being too loud." Honami laughed in response.

"You should be more assertive." I chimed in. "And I think Yuuichi might need someone like you, he's got a lot of stuff trapped inside him." She stopped blushing and had a serious look on her face, taking my information seriously.

"Right!" She was standing like an army soldier now. Honestly, I would be laughing if it wasn't for my stoic face.

"Oh, and another thing, be accepting of him. That's all I can say without giving too much away." I needed to give her that little hint, she needs it. I don't want her to find out who he truly is and then leave him on the spot, that would crush him mentally.

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