chapter 4

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It's a rainy Friday morning, I have Uni in a couple of hours. I'm hoping the rain will clear before I leave but it doesn't look very hopefully. I agreed to go out with Jess tomorrow night, I'm hoping I won't regret that desicion. I haven't heard much from Lou the past phew days, I guess she's busy with work.

I bite the bullet and make my way to Uni in the rain, I have an umberella but it doesn't protect me much from the rain. I arrive ten minutes late due to road clusures. My tutor wasn't to impressed but I apologise and quietly take my seat. The lecture goes on for a couple of hours, it's the only class I have today luckily.

I take my phone out of my picket to text Lou but I don't want to seem needy to put it away again. As I'm riding on the bus to get home I spot a familiar blonde in the street. She's with another woman, who she has her arm around. My heart sinks. I remind myself that she is not mine and I am not hers. I see the colour green covering my eyes. I try to brush it off.

I arrive home to an empty apartment, I'm trying not to amuse this feeling at the pit of my the stomach, the feeling of dissapointment. I take a deep breath and make myself some cereal and go to my room. Where I see the laptop she bought me. I bring out my old laptop instead, I put my favourite show from Netflix on and cuddle under the covers. The rain is battering down on my window.

I hear Jess getting home, she comes into my room full of excitement. She jumps on my bed.

"Guess what!"

"What?" I say unamused

"Andrew is coming tomorrow night, I can't wait" she sees I'm not in a very happy mood "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just stupid" I burry my head into my pillow

"Tell me" she moves my laptop from off my bed

"I saw Lou today...with another girl...I know its stupid but I dunno, she has me feeling these feelings that I can't switch off"

She comes to sit next to me on my bed, she puts her arm around me "she's a player remember, you need to accept that if you want anything to do with her. Tomorrow will take your mind off it" she kisses my head "what are you watching? I'll grab snacks and we can watch it together" she runs through to the kitchen to get the snacks before returning. I smile at her.

We relax the rest of the night watching netflix and laughing together. I still have that feeling I the pit of my stomach but I'm glad I have company.


Just a short chapter, hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading 💛

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